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Louisa Nicola is a neurophysiologist, CEO of NeuroAthletics, & host of the Neuro Experience podcast.


Danny Jones

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Danny Jones

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32 thoughts on “NeuroScientist Explains Why Americans are so Unhealthy

  1. Why do these types of shorts never point out the average life expectancy of many of these groups are way lower than anyone with access to modern medicine, food, clean water…

  2. Stop eating the standard American diet. That will fix everything at least it did for me. So many factors out there just stop eating the garbage processed food, sugar, vegetable (seed oil). Eat real food. Nature knows better than big food and pharma.

  3. WHY is the G.M.O. foods and the over reliance of PHARMACEUTICAL company's goal to weaken your immune system in order make more and more money not ever being addressed. G.M.O foods are banned totally in the vast vast majority of country's around the world. Of 200or so country's its banned in 96 percent.
    Stop saying you need to eat less or diet your FOODS are messed up its not even real….smh

  4. Or, or, hear me out on this, the fact that those we believe are absolutely going to get it but don't, and those who should never get it but do, means the shit we think is causing it has absolutely nothing to do with Alzheimers. And the assumption that the only difference is diet is insane. It's damn near uncontacted African tribes that never invented the wheel compared to the country that invented cars and planes 130 years ago, there's a lot of differences. Our beds, our clothing, our climate, our houses, our daily responsibilities, electricity, pollution, emissions, micro plastics, various quality of water and substances put in them. The study that shows a direct and clear cause of Alzheimers is gonna break the Internet, not be "you heard it hear first" to the world on some podcast by someone no one has ever heard of.

  5. She’s totally right. Old people are busy in African tribes so they ain’t gonna lose their mind. If you start losing eye sight or hearing, you receive less stimulus and develop dementia. Alzheimer’s is type 3 diabetes – American diet. Lack of exercise and social connections. These are all proven risk factors for Alz.

  6. Maybe a dumb question, but what is the average lifespan where they have two copies of APOE4? Maybe they’re not living deep into their 70’s.

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