Back in the day, a lot of the cannabis coming into the US was that good ol’ fashioned brick weed that was hard as a rock, smelled …
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Our shit always had laundry soap on the outside bags
Dirt mcgurt
Well…. i still buy brick weed.
this shit got me so stoned in the 90s , all i did was eat pizza and take naps. weed now doesnt do that for me
In the uk we used to get rasta weed that was trash too. And the hash we would sometimes get was called diesel that did nothing, or the resin hash had big bits of plastic mixed in this was like late 1980s early 1990s by about 1995 we were getting alot more skunk pollenand purple haze. Its very simlar to what your talking about but it all came from Morocco maybe Lebanon in regards to weed who knows I just brought thr stuff. Britain needs to catch up with legalisation. I've be out of smoking cannabis for a very long time its been mainly skunk since the mid 90s. Its all branded here but illigal still from what I see other people smoke. Illigal grow rooms are mostly run by Vietnamese or just normal people wanting to make money. How can the government say you can't grown when they grow so much themselves.
graduated in 78 We called brick weed " Commercial" . We sat at the kitchen table with an album cover from Led Zep and a zigzag packet to slide all the seeds out. Ended up with montains of seeds that we never grew. But we saved em anyways You were high as long as the joint was lit. By the time it made it to Alberta it was 700 a pound.
you look and sound like your regurgitating knowledge from sources that you dont actually have this 1st hand as a 45 year old you look 20 and sound clueless.. lol
On the east coast we called good mexican brick weed Lob (lobster because of the red hairs) anything that was less than lob was just shwag anything better was mids then beasters or bc bud, then kine bud or dank bud
We called it dirt weed. And the good stuff was dank
Oh GOD! So many memories
It gave me the most god awful migraines . Brings back PTSD shit 

Weed is cringe, and is for poor people.
Where i grew up we called this stuff reggie lol
You’d see hash, Thai weed, sensi started to appear. Jamaican in the late 70s
We called mex weed
the wealthy elite of mexico actually import from the US now according to VICE
i smoke brick weed for the most of my young life and it was very good,i came across all of it but for the most part was always good,some was amazingly good,i haven't seen some ever again,todays weed is just overkill wouldnt be surprise if it gets prohibited again
mexican red hair, shwag, S&S (sticks & Stems)
There was nothing wrong with brick weed as long as it was fresh , and not full of seeds! The weeed was far better back then! As long as it wasnt mildewed by rank ametures, or packed by those with no clue! Sungrown Buds, allowed to mature in their own time, nourished in the soil , strengthened in the wind, and quenched by the rain!
In socal we call it stress or streebo
Mexican bowl
Boof bap dirt
Here in Brazil the most common it's this brick
dirt weed
Prensado! Pren pren! Marrom! Verdinho! Breu! Tijolo! Os nomes que damos para a maconha prensada comercializada em lugares como o Brasil!
Down town frown
dont give me no bammer weed, we dont smoke that shit the the SFC
and with Paraquat ..,
Jamaica Piss Weed
new weed smokers will never understand the pain of brick weed
I kinda miss brick
This kid is a Chester……Steaming Brick weed was something Trailer park trash did
FOH nobody with half a brain did that garbage. There was some Fire Regs and there was Trash….Xmas bud was another high end regs Mids before Outdoor Sensi.
Block weed so bad I’m loving my star dwag
brick weed is sieved and washed for hash.. then bricked and sold.
I got this shit called “Lime Green Redbud”, and oddly enough it got you fuckin’ baked, I have so many stories about that bud
Mushrooms did wonders in my life. Over the course of my life, I've suffered from uncontrollable, depression, anxiety, alcohol, smoking, and illicit pills addiction. Imagine carving heavy chains for a long time and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. This is something that really needs to be used globally to help people with similar health challenges. I've been sober for 6 years and have my life back.
I started smoking in the early 1990s in SoCal- we called it Mex in our region. First time I saw good buds was 1995 at college in Santa Barbara (The Kind, or kind buds). I remember being so offended at paying $20/gram, but also realizing how much better the taste and high was, and you were stoned after a bong rip or two.
Nowadays top shelf buds are $30/4G or better, and you just have to go to the store. Back in the day I was waiting in parking lots for a dealer that was half an hour late
In MN in the 90s-00s we called it schwag. If it was extraordinarily low quality it'd be classified as 'bunk'. Around that time, hydroponics and nugs started coming along, so naturally that's what everybody wanted and it always sold quick so you had to buy as fast as possible before your dealer ran out. Eventually over time, you could only buy the good stuff and the brick weed wasn't available anymore, thank God.
Lol, I remember brick weed. I haven't seen it since I was a teenager like 20 years ago because at that time KB nugs were starting to become prevalent and of course that was what everybody wanted due to the high thc concentration (like 3 times the price though, $20 for an eighth of the brick weed, $50-60 for an eighth of KB) and far superior flavor. You did have to pick out quite a few seeds and if you missed one, it'd pop when you smoked a bowl haha. It was so compact that if you packed a bowl and didn't use an herbal grinder to break it up, it'd take a bit longer to smoke. It was pretty abundant; in MN, I'd say like 1/3rd of the time you bought weed it was the brick weed from Mexico. Ah, memories.
Cinci ohio we called that shit mids, so glad that shit dont exist anymore lmaoooo
We just called it dirt weed or brick. And we had that come through plenty in southern Indiana