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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.
This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.
Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.
This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.
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She got her feelings hurt

Anyone who wants to be a cop in this country, was most likely bullied in school, or they have a version of the Napoleon complex, or just a need to be a person who takes your money and asserts his authority. They want to torture others with his cuffs, guns, or weapons. They just wants to screw your life up and as a officer, they are always looking for any reason at all to put anyone they can find in troubling situations or in their dungeon. Cops should be renamed as Peace Officers and they should only interact with the public in violent situations or whenever they are called by someone in need.
Threatened by a finger!

just don't be a dick to cops.
I'm glad this cop was fired. He should have gone to jail.
Feel bad for cops. They deal with liars all the time, and learn how to be the same type of person.
This kind of cop is why cops are hated.
Let him try breaking MY window
When an officer gives you an order the best thing to do is challenge the order(assuming it's unlawful like this one) but if he continues to give you the order even if it's unlawful, you should comply then file a formal complaint or legal action later
Don't disagree, just get out and fight it in court. Don't fight on the side of the road.
This cop should lose his badge.
That guy doesn’t know how to bluff. That’s why his boyfriend left him.
Thank you for calling this out! So many people justify the officers arresting people for no real reason. I saw a video where a woman was rude to a cop so he pretended to see the passenger not wearing a seatbelt, pretended to smell marijuana, etc. and everyone said she was a Karen so that made it okay. Being rude is not a crime. Hurting a police officers feelings should not be a crime.
Blue line criminals at work
Cop not even in uniform. He has to call a uniform unit in
Police departments need to do mandatory drug tests and check for rabies too. We know that all police are not like this and we love the good ones..
Another popo on steroids trained by a Klansman
I flip off Trump
If you're threatened by a middle finger you're in the wrong line of work!
The police state in this country is a complete joke and the training they receive is laughable and scary at the same time smh
Fragile little poon right there!
Another ignorant, arrogant POS cop who doesn't know the law and his little cop ego got hurt
That cop is way too childish to wear a badge and gun
I mean it's an amazing settlement to get, but just drive away, they won't chase you over fake charges. I've passed sobriety tests for calling them out on everything during the traffic stop lol. It's easy to beat them at their own game.
His poor fragile ego
Your fault for letting that Coward Tyrant live!
Total idiot
This is way Qualified Immunity needs to be removed from Police.
They need to be held accountable for their actions.
Camera and Audio need to be on and a Law needs to be Passed and Inforced that they remain on at all times.
As well as being worn by all Law Enforcement Agencies.
All Settlements need to be paid from Officers Pinion Fund and not Taxpayers Money.
Officer baby balls
If cops spent most of their onduty hours in their Adult, rather than Child stations, we'd see fewer of these silly reactions to other's childish behavior.
I traditionally dont like police but raising your middle finger to a police officer should not be legally allowed.
Raising a middle finger to anyone is a rude gesture Just because he's a cop doesn't make him fucking special
Officer triggered feelings
Oath breakers of America
Although it hurt his poor little EGO… not he is threatening to break your window, and thats ok?
Id just love this incompetent tyrant idiot to show us where it says its a crime to be a law abiding citizen!
Where is it ???
What a tyrant joke!
One officer got fired and moved to the next town for a job then the other buddy falsely arrested and threatened the victim and nothing happened to that officer he got away with his actions
That cop is one dumbass!
Cops retaliation for getting his feelings hurt then makes up laws and threatens to bust out his window. If that mentally unstable he shouldnt be a cop.
It's rude they can kill us with no recourse
Who cares about petty provocation. Smile and keep on rolling.
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