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Who was in the wrong here?
She was looking for trouble.
Oooh bonkowski. Lost his Cool
It’s such a hard job dealing with the public but unfortunately that’s the job. If you can’t control your emotions then you should probably transfer or find a new job.
boy that cop has anger issues
Oh my God she has a camera she's going to hurt me if he's not scared of the public you don't need to be a police officer
What a fuckin psycho!
punk cops needed to be made an example of how not to treat the public (after they complete an anger management class).
there is a big clean up to make in policing attitude .
He's what blue balls look like.
I think I went to school with the b1g m0uth c0p. Especially the screaming part looks extremely familiar. Jerk bk then too. Clown.
He was strung out on somthing you can see it in his eyes
Bite me
That loud cop definitely got bullied in school
Hell nooo

Obstruction of an Active Investigation !
You can hate cops all you want but , you can walk around next to them speaking and letting the bad guys his coming …. Common sense ???
the reason was because he wanted to power trip
They're wearing body armor, went in silent, and walked like they have a specific purpose. So they just might have a situation that this lady is making worse.
moral of the story is ?

Cop 100% shouldn't have acted like this. But common guys, at least treat the boys in blue like humans. Even cops like having space.
This persons just clearly trying to bait a reaction, so shame on this "auditor"
Nut job with a badge and gun
Not anti cop but in my 62 years i never met one id wanna see again
Don't film us doing drug deals !
The cops in the right. What is this fool following him around for?
I don't feel sorry for these people, they are just trying to instigate shit.
She mite ben slither rong dee bending on how close and chest wat going on
The cop he should chest get doing he's jop and simply sed mam ill explain as sun as I have time sorey but I got go it's for yr safety and uthers
How ironic her name is “Sue”
Roid Rage
just one bad apple huh, trash
Hmmm… up to no good
Harassing cops for no reason, looks like a bored little rat to me
lol Blud lets his fam run all over him so he has to get a job where he feels like he has power lol

That public servant is unhinged
She going to get someone killed or die herself why don't people just listen
He just handed you a blank cheque
That guy may just be having a rough day.
That officer didn't get his stump sucked off that day
> > > > > FTP < < < < <
Nosey b mind your own business. Lady has no brains…