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Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard attorney who has participated in legal cases of public interest, including the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate Break-In case & Harvard psychologist Dr. John Mack’s case. He is currently dedicated to advocating for the public release of information held by the government surrounding the issue of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

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Spotify –
Apple –

00:00 – Involvement in UFO legislation
09:01 – Search warrant for UFOs
12:34 – The Vatican archives
15:46 – John Mack case
38:49 – Catholic Church case
50:26 – Vandenberg rocket witness
53:23 – Disinformation
01:04:50 – Watergate case
01:11:00 – Santos Trafficante
01:12:20 – Death squad behind Watergate break in
01:14:10 – Nixon & Howard Hughes
01:22:11 – Felix Rodriguez
01:34:09 – Inside the Cuban Missile Crisis
01:41:08 – Cuban Exile Anti-Castro assassins
01:47:04 – Funding the 3rd Reich
01:53:46 – Nuclear war
01:57:33 – S-force, Kiki Camarena & Castro
02:08:39 – Future of America
02:15:32 – Yamashita’s gold
02:30:41 – Government power
02:40:38 – Iran Contra
02:49:05 – EG&G engineer; Roswell crash
02:58:37 – Congress wants UFOs
03:23:28 – UFO disclosure; weaponizing alien tech


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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32 thoughts on “Harvard’s UFO Lawyer: Aliens, Disinformation & the Secret Government | Danny Sheehan

  1. This is easily the best interview you`ve done. Danny Sheehan is one of the finest people on the planet. Life is not just about becoming fully conscious; it`s about becoming conscientious. He`s the real deal.

  2. Wtf! Rewind, listen again, wtf! Rewind listen wtaf!

    Absolutely staggering, so glad you've done this, Sheehan has been on the edge of my and others radar but couldn't really find any 'from the horses mouth' background content.
    Congratulations and thank you.

  3. Duuuuuuuuuude – best podcast ever / need to watch 10x more to take it all in! But why didn’t he talk about what he found at the Vatican – he did in an older interview and it was amazing !!!

  4. My mind has been so illuminated by this podcast. The range of topics and the plethora of knowledge from Mr. Sheehan was incredible! Protect this video. Save it. He just dropped some serious knowledge and insight.

  5. BS…Did anyone else just watch the interview sheehan did with ross coulthart, the Australian dude who broke the news of David Grusch? In that interview, Sheehan says that he saw a photo of a flying saucer in ‘77 and had authority to see it…with no evidence? Why didnt he say something about it during THIS interview? 😂

  6. Danny Sheehan may not be a country bumpkin, and good on him for doing the right thing, however when it comes to the alien human relationship nobody knows how deep that goes. My guess is that the deep state is operating in the interest of those aliens which explains why they keep it secret. They probably have an arrangement that roughly goes like this: Serve the alien agenda and you can plunder all you like and enrich yourselves.
    Just sayin’ they are pulling on one hell of a thread here.

  7. The pronunciation of Mengele is usually ˈmɛŋgələ without stressing the "g", but the "ng" is fluid/flowing like in the word "cliffhanger". You guys pronounced it like "anger", stressing the "g". And as far as I know his name was spelled Josef, not Joseph… pronounced 'yosef ˈmɛŋgələ.

  8. You shit on American soldiers YET you are stealing peoples money to put it into a “Non-Profit”. Your a scam artist your on here to ask for money without asking for it. I hope you have to prove where every dollar of that money goes. AND YOU STILL TRY TO CALL YOURSELF A ARMY RANGER HAHAHAHA 🤡

  9. Very best interview I have ever seen. I am surprised Mr Sheen is still alive because he knows so much dirt on the most powerful people. Did the CIA /national security officials and wealthy families plan 9/11? I mean they killed the president of the United States John Kennedy and likely his brother bobby. I bet they killed Marlilyn Monroe too. They have hidden the UFO/UAP presence from the American people for 75 years. THIS is the most iconic interview, and all Americans should listen to this podcast. The National security is out of control. The shadow government and military have no oversight by congress. The gatekeepers should go to prison. This should be on the news, but it won't because we know who runs the media.

  10. How can 70% of people watching this not be subscribed?? That’s ridiculous! If you watch this episode and don’t hit subscribe??? You must have lost your thumbs! Hit the button Danny’s working his ass off!! 👍👍👍👍

  11. I went on the website and joined new paradigm and I’ve NEVER written my state reps before… but I did after watching this! what an amazing podcast and an inspiring guest, Danny you hit it out of the park with this guest! Keep up the good work!

  12. Here come the little green men from Harvard, followed by the men in black from the government, followed by Satan to take your soul. Hell is running short of workers.

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