We have done a lot of reviews over the years, but never in a natural body of water … this is ridiculous.
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Dope As Yola
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Mucho mango is my favorite Arizona so I’m hype for the cart version
what’s up with the guy tossing rocks in the back
cool homeless guy, where did you find him?
what code
Do you have a plug in Miami FL area? I’m going to be there this week. I’m from Oklahoma and will be there for vacation and I need something while I’m down there if anyone can let me know that would be great! Thanks.
Hi dope as yola, I love your carts but can you make the disposables/ packaging eco friendly
superfruit makes you cough like a mofo tho, ime
When John put the box on his head
The Popest! 1:29
still my favorite youtuber
yooo I actually just ordered from the Dopest without even knowing yall but I'm glad i found yall's channel u guys got straight gas

I relate to john so much haha, he does the most random shit ever and hopes to like annoy people or get a reaction but when they dont react he moves on like nothing happened and no embarassment lol, like throwing the pen, splashing water, putting the shit on his head
2 grams in the water…..
What’s up with the batteries not being on the website
worth the hike looks cool
i was mid hit at 13:27 n started dying
just ordered the strawanna liquid diamonds, im excited to try it when it gets here
John is the Dope Pope
Ain’t no way ur actually gonna get into Thca bro
def gonna be a customer
Just give me till Tuesday man I need this box

"Hire a marketing advisor? Nah fam, these dumbass customers will do all that for us, THEN pay us for it…"
them pens be making everybody cough

i wanna smoke your products soooo bad BUT WEED IS ILLEGAL IN HERE
i actually buy 400$ of weed product every week if this brand can ship to canada il loose my mind
Sober as a gopher?
Can we still get these
10:50 yoooooo i used to do the same shit to my brother as he slept and would wake him up for. school… btw he was 18 when i did that and we both smoked but he knew just always fucked up the first 30 min of his day.
bring back the og blue dream flavor
i love this video it looked more raw of a video it it felt like i was with my friends
hey u might not see this comment but is there a way to get it in Florida i've been wanting to get a box but i didn't know if you need a medical card please respond -dope as yola
bruh i just got my box and open the shortcake as u said it might be a different color and i got the orange one
i was like wtff
Would the thca smell through the packaging
1:39 why john lookin like the dopest pope

Fucking John

if i just ordered a cotton candy (one thats had the box for a while) will i still recieve a box? i wanted to have one for the display since its so cool looking
I love this brands honesty Thomas. With almost every YouTuber merch or brand I feel it’s dishonest and a cash grab. Never once thought you would do that though so seeing this come to fruition and my excitement being met feels really good. This is true dedication to your craft and customers. You are dope as yola man
Me watching the guy in the back and not even realizing tommy is talking and I’m high asf