A caller reveals that he’s been sharing a bed with his mom into his 20s. He talks about immigrating to the US from Pakistan, whether Tinder is better or worse than arranged marriages, balancing traditional family values with his own individuality, and more. It’s a great call.
Then a caller tells me how jacking off to the smell of pot pie somehow resulted in a neuroscience career that has him giving mice HIV and curing it with weed.
Can you spot me fare for the bus? I am a gecko.
I’m streaming my final Therapy Gecko live show of the year as a VIRTUAL EVENT on November 10th and you can get tickets here: https://therapygecko.kiswe.com
0:00 – Intro
0:19 – A caller who has been sharing a bed with his mom into his 20s.
43:43 – A caller tells me how jacking off to the smell of pot pies somehow resulted in a neuroscience career.
01:02:35 – How to call the gecko!
Listen to the Therapy Gecko podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify: https://linktr.ee/TherapyGecko
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Lyle Forever
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Pot Pie guy is such a riot
Feels weird you said "I fucked [your] mom" as an example to someone saying they sleep w their mom.
My man is just 20 and he's becoming a KING
dudes in education who aren’t just teachers are often weird as hell
I’ve always wondered if anyone has been recognized on these episodes, with so many views I feel like it’s not unlikely that a friend of one of the callers could watch the channel recognize their voice
go back to pakistan
Someone I know slept with his parents for the longest time (no medical reason). Like until high school. It's weird people do that so long. I slept with my mom for a good while too but nowhere near that long.
The last caller I'm having a hard time gauging the sincereness of. His story sounds a bit too absurd.
I usually skip this part
When I was a teenager from 12 to 16 when I started living with my mom and we used to cuddle every morning till we got up in the afternoon. That stopped when I got a girlfriend
this is the best set of calls wtf lyle 4 ever
Mr. Gecko. Please do not ever stop what you are doing. Fascinating interviews and I really do think that you help people. BRUH stay away from them flavored pens dude.
first guy seems like a chiller, would hold his hand
It sucks that schizophrenia is such a largely diagnosed condition, there’s a wide range of different kinds of people depending on how they got it (generational or from a 3rd party source) there needs to be more classification (million dollar idea no one take it im getting the rights for it now)
Edit: my best friend had to sleep with my brother, I had to sleep with my cousin, tons of people have to sleep with other relatives bc of small living spaces. If this wasn’t you, be grateful for the space you did have.
In Victorian England, it was common for all the men to bunk up in one room and share beds, related or not. There were usually only one or two rooms with heat in a building. Individual bedrooms are a modern luxury.
In Japan my mom said she slept in the same room with her family and in pretty tight quarters so I don’t find it odd
To be candid, I'm pretty disappointed in your listening skills. I've loved watching your shorts whenever they've popped up, and today I decided to finally check out your channel. I was very excited to watch your full-length videos, but sadly, I found it excruciating. Most of your questions were uninspired, and often times were already answered. It seemed like you kept disengaging with the conversation, which was highly disrespectful for Omad (The Pakistani guy). I haven't finished the video, but I hope this was a one-off. I really want to enjoy your videos, but if this continues to happen, I will begrudgingly avoid your videos.
I want to also express that I think the concept is brilliant and I do appreciate your suspension of judgement of your callers. Many people are sensitive to judgement from others, so while you're entitled to your opinion, it's great that you don't share it immediately, or at all. These people, more often than not, just want to be heard, and you provide them that outlet, so thank you. I'd just wish you'd listen more intently and take more time to consider your questions. Actually, thats another point. A lot of your questions were very surface level and didn't delve. Obviously, it's inappropriate to dig and pry them for details, but you missed out on asking some brilliant questions that would've had him thinking more deeply about the situation.
his parents haven’t had sex in YEARS
Most people know about hallucinations and delusions, called positive symptoms. But there is also negative symptoms and catatonia. The ladder includes both stuck postures and spastic movements. Its a very complicated illness.
Ohhhh this guy kisses his mom on the mouth for sure
Pakistan is the country with the highest incest rate in the world, marriage between family members rate is 65%
did the Pakistani guy just call gecko "not a real therapist"?
“This is one of the ways I can show my appreciation for her. Every night I’m there for her in case something triggers her”, damn, I teared up. Even though I don’t think it’s healthy for a son to take care of their mother, this extenuating circumstance might call for it. If dude feels uncomfortable though, definitely change things, and discuss it in therapy. Therapy is so helpful
i don’t live in bosnia but i am from there and maybe you could visit there i don’t really see it a lot in the media so it would be interesting
The thumbnail is a work of art
Would you rather push into your mum or push back on your dad
Vance slept with your Aunty Fran
thats wild
Why is your face green? Shouldn’t it be red like the mouth? I guess you do stupid things when you don’t use your brain, like wearing a lizard suit.
Lyle 4 ever
fuckkk me n my mother got matching tattoos bc we twins we might hold hands or side hug durinh a movie but sharing a bed….
you dont kick the baby out they'll never wanna leave
Lyle needs a white board.
any normal person would think "i'm a loser, i've literally never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl, i'm 20, and i still sleep next to my parents… i'm depressed i'm a loser" but this guy is positive and keeps it moving, just waiting for his arranged marriage.
That second call was one of the funniest on the show. Thank you James and thank you Lyle.
Every kid has a chrome book?