Are You Garbage Live show! Stand up comedians Kevin Ryan and H Foley play Are You Garbage with the crowd. A little AYG …
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AreYouGarbage? Comedy Podcast
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The LIVE shows look like a blast! Keep it up
Haha been a long time since I was around the lake/powerboating scene but I've seen a couple jet skis come out of vans at the launch ramp before. Hey it looks stupid but it works so it's not stupid! (…just trashy)
holy shit, each ayg qna is like its own special. these guys are easily my favorite comics out there right now.
I'm so fucking bummed I missed this show in Tampa just barely. Next time you boys come on down to FL, I'm there. Kippy loving it here helps.
If you went to this you are garbage no disrespect!
Looking good, boys!
That whole convo was nuts. I would’ve liked to circle back to that wallet situation. Because it wasn’t “he forgot his wallet, or he left his wallet in the car.” It was worded, “Couldn’t get his wallet out.” The fuck does that mean haha? Idk about the next fella but my wallet comes out pretty seamlessly when I need it to….
When are we going to get Theo Von on here? He would be the best guest!
I'm from California but I will gladly fly out to your shows. You guys are hilarious!!!!
I love this podcast so much
If he said the jet ski didn’t start at the end, I would have died
Just got tickets got tickies for that NJ show!!! Got a nice table for me and my lady and im PUMPED!
Come. To. Vegas dammit! So many rooms! So many drugs! So many locks! Thickest curtains in the northern hemisphere! Seriously, I'd love AYG to make a stop here.
Yeah I'm still driving my '95 Chevy Astro cargo kidnap van, that a large buck dented by t-bone, T-bone, you high falootin childhood multi-room homed fancy food eatin spoiled snobs.
Facts. Seriously, Fun funny crowd work!
People who actually care about the vehicles you drive are real trash.
Love yas
these guys are so good
Drugs in a van
these guys are gonn blow up we all know that already but …they have IT…!!!!!
kippy needs to reconsider those tight jeans.. someone please talk to him
Dam. KIPPY has gotten healthrisk Fat. Wearin a GOOFY blouse too. We got to get these guys in shape. They are funny kids, and their careers are going good now. Someone reach out.
I want to go to a live show so bad! Come to the valley in California, we're trash.
Fucking awesome!!!!
Jetski made of wood.

My wife became a big time homie at this show!
Is having an open Entenmanns crumb cake on the counter with a bread knife in it all week til it’s gone garbage? Asking for a friend
I was hoping for some good pure Garbage going to that Dee-troit show. And boy was I ever treated to it.