In this deep dive episode, we take a look at the loneliness epidemic. Its origins, causes and some solutions.
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– [ by Age&text=Here are some loneliness statistics, in a survey by YouGov](,in%20a%20survey%20by%20YouGov).
Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Writers: Meehan Kathan, Piriye Altraide, Dagogo Altraide
Research: Meehan Kathan, Dagogo Altraide
Editors: Tanzim Uddin, Dagogo Altraide
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This topic is not something I'd usually do on ColdFusion, but it's something I have been intrigued by for a long time and an issue that's very important to me. I tried to approach the "solutions" on a broad angle since I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, so do speak to a professional if you think you need help with chronic loneliness. But I hope I have been able to shed some light on this crucial topic! Be kind to each other and thanks for watching!
The society is too heterogeneous. That's the issue
Loneliness is not a new phenomenon, just more prevalent and pronounced than it's been. It's also become more exposed due to discussions and videos about it on social media The imposed isolation that society's reaction to the 'vid dictated has become a convenient blame for the ubiquitous, palpable disconnect, disinterest and distrust rampant in society even after the 'plague' has largely subsided. Burying into a screen is safely isolating, eliminates the possibility of in-person rejection or the obligation/discomfort/risk of real interaction. It's a comfortable cocoon for many. You're in your own impenetrable bubble.
Loneliness today has become a sympathetic 'malady', as many still hang it on the 'vid and its aftermath (lockdowns, social isolation). It did have an effect, but even after the green light was given to resume activity awhile back, loneliness and social isolation by choice is still very prevalent, as if some remained stuck in it….deliberately or otherwise. It seems a preferred state, whether its practitioners are happy in it or not.
Those who have been in the grip of loneliness for decades were ignored and left to deal with the pain and emptiness on their own. No one cared. Friendless, invisible, often partnerless, ostracized, stigmatized, and dismissed as freaks, weirdos and question marks. Now, the message, especially in the many radio/internet ads by counseling/mental health groups smelling money, is 'its not your fault', 'we're here to help', 'we understand, its been a rough couple of years for everyone.' So 'concerned' and empathetic that the loneliness monster took you as its hapless victim through no fault of your own. Any personal 'faults' stigma or responsibility has been largely removed from the equation.
It's funny how I am watching this, when I'm sitting in a lounge chair, just watching movies, while listening to this. Im I lonely, sure, some days, other im glade. I don't have someone telling my what do, or where I can/cant do.
Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.
Mexico also has those squares as in Spain. They are called parks where people can just go out and have an ice cream and socialise with your family and friends. They are important to keep social connections. I think in Mexico is very easy to make friends. And I think the trick is to be a good listener and show interest and care for other people other than yourself, don’t be so selfish.
And how does exactly one practice "being grateful for what you have"? If it's thinking to yourself "life sucks, but at least I'm not cold, hungry or ill", then that's a basic coping mechanism that everyone already does. Cool concept, but everyone already does it subconciously or conciously.
I just thought up of a genius idea to eliminate loneliness. Governments just need to remove various priviledges from individuals who get diagnosed as "suffering from clinical loneliness". And boom! People will act in a way that would indicate they're not lonely
Amish guys had it right
"It is better to be alone than to have the company of toxic people " Buddha
For a lot of people the Internet and social media are their connection to the world. Before that, to get information and entertainment you had to go out and engage with people. Now you can do it all from home. Also the obesity epidemic reeked havoc on the dating scene.
The solution is to force kids in school to exercise for 3-4 hours a day, every day. If we cultivate a society of ripped af men who know the meaning of discipline and hard work, we will fix the loneliness problem. Because self-worth comes from being proud of yourself. You will never be proud of yourself for spending half of your day learning about useless topics at school.
being a lone but for who ? social ? o
pay? lone? social? pay ? be,i,ng locked down
you're only lonely if you feel lonely. people might be expecting their fantasies to come true, a big family, neighbors u chat with, lots of friends. and when these fantasies don't come true, they overthink and become obsessed with not being lonely
If you are alone, it's your own fault. find someone
the sexual revolution and individualism has wrecked more havoc than we ever saw coming
The statista source you shared is kinda misleading. Becoz it paints the comolete opposite. Saudi arabia and turkey more traditional countries are more lonely ? And sweden is at the end of thr chart ?
I dnt blame you but this detail was missing
"The samples in Brazil, Chile, mainland China, India, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, and Turkey are more urban, more educated, and/or more affluent than the general population. The survey results for these markets should be viewed as reflecting the views of the more “connected” segment of their population."
This is not a fair assesment. This only includes rhe affluent part of the society.
Basically worshipping your desires lead to loneliness.
" Just don't be alone " come on guys it's that simple.
I do not understand how India could be in the most lonely countries . People here connect on literally any topic over a chai stall!
The loneliness is caused by the idiocy of people and doubled by technology.This is The Apocalypse.
Video is interesting but for me I find peace in solitude. Use to be around a lot of people , partying going out and it started to drain me crazy. I realized that I find peace in solitude and having a small group of like minded close friends.
Real Talk: Primapes are social creatures; however, Humans are the only species that only socialize when we want to exploit one another, THATS IT!!!!
Rivr 2025
Capitalist Alienation

Building relationships via social media, bots or how advanced, it can never replace relationships between physical and close people, people you can physically meet, visit, touch. Those new SM and bots only enforces this utter feeling of loneliness the moment you switch of because then you’ll come to the realisation it is all virtual, not real, not physical. Here at a school they now forbid cellphones. The moment the students arrive they need to put the cellphones in a personal locker and not take it out no earlier the after school. The effect is students are more concentrated, more effective in learning and, here comes the social side of things, communicating again with each other in lunchbrakes and in corridors. The atmosphere has became much more pleasant for and there is much more meaningful conversation and relationships. My conclusion. Ban cellphones from schools and people will connect again physically , in communication and socially.
If we're all lonely, why don't we get together lol
technology and liberalism
lol until your in a mountain top living in a hut shut off from modern society dont dare claim your alone. we may bs disassociated to a degree but in reality we are surrounded all the time like now we comment about being lonely yet if one is truly lonely they truly dont have anybody not even the internet.. Americas dilemma
I love being alone. I don't like interacting most days as it is draining. Give me my phone any day. I don't look it in public for extended periods because I need to be aware of my surroundings.