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I pulled mine off too
Hey Matt just wanted to let you know that you can get rabies not just by blood it can be by saliva,mucous and tissue.
Squirrels can't be trusted I had one chasee ounce. Dam thing even hitched a ride on my truck frame to Walmart I am sure that one had rabies
I am smoking my Humboldt seeds emerald fire
love you man!
You rock broskie, much love …

Hope they don't shut u down man love the show..
Anyone else notice that DUIs for weed only started with legalization? Extremely rare before legalization
*Also use the magnet trick when growing, it's easy & worth it.
Wish I could have made this show live. Mom and sisters, great teeth. My father and my brothers, bad teeth!! No history of hard drugs. Fluoride free since the beginning. Complete hell and pain!!! But there are many preventable things I didn’t do. Lots of advice though. Bongs up. Clove oil can help. Hurts
Bc bud is the best
Smoking my freshly harvested outdoor
I think zero mean you pay nothing with insurance… your hikl might be 0.. doubke check… if he sent you somewhere else saying insurance does not cover it here so go there that would mean your insurance covers it and if you use insurance 0 is what you pay not what they pay
Your uncle was somewhat correct though, look up ruthie mae mccoy
You got me activated
I fuck wit you for life just cuz u played 3/6 nobody play them but me
Cheers Everyone
2:49:25 you should be a grow light consultant.
Peppery black liquorish and onions pungent and sweet dank n dark man what a taste terps in this papaya cake I've been smoking and i guess yeah papaya I can taste that a bit as well very interesting profile.
Oh yeah i smelled my indica and sativa and noticed that it was different from the just weed smell the sativa has more of that fresh cut grass smell when the lawn is mowed. And indica has a more sweet dark dank smell and sativa is more hazy i guess
it's impossible to describe weed smells LMAO
17:43 damn that's wild that really sucks man but man i almost don't want to say anything but id be a bad friend if i didn't homie that might have been you better hope it was a squirrel and not a rat cuz a rat leaves urine everywhere and was that shjt? WTF dude that's gross lol i might get tested well if i started showing any kind of flu like symptoms i might go get checked lol. Praying for you man hope everything's going well& that I'm just wrong n paranoid
@strainshow I saw your mutated plant short and I have an amazing picture for you!! Let me know where I can send it to official only!!!
First time
Shot off gumbo and some drank only thing in my mix