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Want to know how to be a professional 80s parent? Here is the program you have been looking for! This video will give you insight on how to be an 80s parent! If you are not completely satisfied then you can resume your normal parenting in the current decade. There is nothing to lose. Act Now!

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Rhetty for History

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39 thoughts on “1980s Things That Parents Did!

  1. Regarding Internet:
    Internet was around back then.

    Then there were AIDS chocolate diet candy. Bad timing on there part.

    Then the AIDS crisis started.

  2. I’m a 2003 kid and my childhood was very similar (except for the seatbelt and car seat thing lol). I grew up riding my bike to my friends, cousins or grandparents house and to the park with my little brother everyday and our only rule was to call home before the sun went down. We were either playing street hockey, swimming at my cousins house, going to Dairy Queen, going on bike rides through the park, or hanging out with our older cousins. My parents might’ve made some mistakes according to parenting standards today, but the new generation of parents love to criticize everything our parents generation did for us, since they don’t realize that great parents occasionally make mistakes. My parents did (and still do) the very best they could each and every day, and always made sure my brother and I knew how much they loved us. They taught us to be independent, strong, kind and respectful young adults. They actually set boundaries for us, disciplined us when we did or said something bad, made sure that we always treated people with respect instead of just letting us throw temper tantrums and acting like spoiled brats. It’s really just the millennial and and now some gen z parents who think they know everything about parenting because they read a book, that are so overbearing with their submissive/gentle parenting bs, not giving their kids any type of freedom, not teaching them any manners or good behavior, and label every little tiny mistake their parents might’ve made like sending them to their room for throwing a temper tantrum as “childhood trauma”

  3. I am a child of the 80s and my parents were very hands off so long as your grades were good and you weren't out breaking laws. Only as an adult do I realize how much freedom and how few worries I had as a kid.

  4. The 80s were the best! My parents had only a few rules…don't get in or cause trouble, check in every few hours (which rarely happened), and home by midnight (during the summer). There were about 20 of us in our neighborhood (quiet suburban) and our days seemed boring but were the best. We would all meet at one house (usually mine) and from there, spend the morning playing some serious baseball or football games in the street (lived on a dead end), then spend the afternoon swimming in one of our pools, then after dinner, more base or football and when it got dark, the real fun started…flashlight hide n go seek, swimming under the spotlights, walking around the neighborhood blasting music, or just hanging out in my parent's backyard (we had the biggest yard) just talking, listening to the radio, and just relaxing. A few times, we got mischievous, going a few streets away and ringing doorbells and stuff like that. Today, kids are too busy either on phones, computers or getting into crap they shouldn't to even socialize in person or have half the fun we did in the 80s. Sad.

  5. What id do to go back to the 80s with no cellphones were you had to have real conversation with people in person face to face and go outside and play with your friends all day long and ride bikes and go on all day adventures and be back when the street lights came on.. Damn i miss the 80s!!!

  6. Wish we could pick and choose. I like the safety of modern life, but I hate hate hate never being actually alone anymore. Having to be able to respond to everyone instantly all of the time exhausts me more than weight lifting

  7. I recall my neighbours helping each other growing up. There was a genuine interest in each other and if something went wrong, everyone jumped to do what they could. Where I stay now, people dont even talk to one another. I find it weird how unfriendly everyone is. I say hi now and then, its receved with a forced smile and a "why it he talking to me" vibe.

  8. My parents didn’t let us be places they didn’t know about, but some of my friend’s parents did back in the late 80s/early 90s

  9. It was a better time, I don't care what anyone says, it was a better time overall and we've mostly regressed since… Great vid, you really nailed it.

  10. Did a pair of friends tell their parents that they were staying at the others house over night. Those two preteen boys would walk a half mile west, catch the 174 bus, and go into Seattle at night. The main destination, The International District.

  11. The 1980s…
    When parents took vacation breaks from their kids….😂…and all the family posed photos now look like there is a mass murderer in every one…😉

  12. The Ode to Nancy Reagan's "Just say NO" should have included her response to her friend, Rock Hudson's plea for her to help him get admitted to a hospital in Paris because he was dying of AIDS. She just said NO. He died a few weeks later. How noble of her.

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