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We tested 100 year old tires vs futuristic airless tires to see how far tire technology has come.

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47 thoughts on “We Put Future Tires on our Miata

  1. 3.75 wide tires on a car with like 14" or so wide fenders.. man you can drives through muddy water and not get the car wet haha. I had a 31 model A same colour as the one they showed

  2. I love this channel and I’m just being a smartass right now… but the most important part of any test is a base to compare to and we don’t have that in this vid. The tires have different lugs so you’re adding different adapters to each tire which changes the weight. Also, your brakes are constantly changing with each run. You’d have to have the same exact weight, same exact brakes, same exact rotors and the only difference is the tire. Even after the first run, the 2nd run would involve more used brakes. A base is very important for a comparison.

  3. I’ve seen these tires irl the mowing company that mows are yard for us temporarily until we get a new lawnmower. Has 2 airless tires on the drive wheels of the zero turn mower.

  4. With the airless tire Imagine take scissors to cut the wheels beam and you have the same problem because with air tire that one little kid put nail under the tire but with that just a pair of scissors and you have flat airless tire

  5. Hmm … comparing strawberries with Ananas … again? Sorry, I loved all the DONUT MEDIA Vids I've seen so far, but this is just a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch to compare these. If you would only compare tires with the SAME physical contact area to comparing the amount of force (Physics Biatch!) presented to the tarmac …

  6. The Michelin Tweels are for slower moving off road vehicles…….. like mowers, skid steers, golf carts…… probably not fair to compare braking with a highway car.

  7. what about on the everyday driver car. Grip, Wear, and Ride. Looks like the future tires might be good if your not taking tires 100mph around a corner, accelerating like a bat out of heck, .So what about comfort for the average day commuter trip? To hard to soft are they a comfortable experience?

  8. airless tires already exist before this video but they are mostly used on wheel barrows but tire company's use rubber (at least the company's that I heard of) air filled tires because they can save on money (I'm not saying that this is a bad video I just wanted to tell everybody that)

  9. 😆 so you took Michelin lawnmower tweel tires and made some bogus test to make them no name garbage tires look good. How about you take Michelins lower brand tiger paw or bfg and put them in the test??? They would make the tires you are pushing look like garbage. Don’t think about going against the Michelin brand because we know how that will end 😂. This should be erased for miss information. What’s sad is dummies will see this and believe it. I miss the days when people where honest!!!!!!!! This man is literally Trying to mislead his own fans 🤦‍♂️ this is a logan Paul tactic if I have ever see one. You should be ashamed!!!!! Unfollow these clowns. You can’t trust them!!!

  10. Just like the Mythbuster guys, you guys fail to understand how sample sizes work. One run and done was always what irritated me about Mythbusters. You need to do a set of tests, throw out the outliers, and then compare.

  11. 8:30 Seems odd that something constantly hit by wind would have heating issues. If you're driving 40mph, that's basically a 40mph fan. Maybe if they were able to put breathing holes in the tread to allow focused airflow it'd perform better?

  12. I wonder when "future tyres" will become mud resistant – right now all it takes is few stones, some clay, mud, etc. and balance will be completely ruined – imagine having like extra 50 grams of material (eg. trapped stone or mud) – it will be terrible to drive and very unhealthy for your car.

  13. The flaw that I instantly see with this is the cars are going to drive differently between the tyres. everyone here is very used the modern tyres, knowing how to control the car, how deep to make the turns, etc. It's going to feel and drive differently like it does between f1 and road tyres. makes me wonder how much the results were affected by simply not having experience with the different types.

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