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Randall Carlson is a geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. Randall investigates and documents the catastrophic history of the world and the evidence for advanced knowledge in earlier cultures.


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0:00 – Story behind the JRE episode that was silenced
19:52 – Plasmoid technology could have been used by ancient cultures – Connection to sacred geometry
28:19 – Plasmid vacuum bubbles
36:30 – First successful buildout of a plasmid engine
46:55 – The hilsch vortex tube
51:34 – The plasmoid Unification Model
57:18 – How this technology will effect the world
59:33 – The VAJRA implosive turbine & the ancient THUNDERBOLT tool
1:06:34 – Plasma powered CAT generator
1:13:05 – Chimneys & coal stacks
1:17:12 – Aerospace engineer explains potential applications for plasmid energy
1:27:26 – When will this technology be taken seriously?
1:39:57 – Thunderstorm generator measurements match the slope of the great pyramid.
1:43:57 – Potential function of the ancient “Vajra”
1:45:42 – Zeus holding the Vajra
1:56:34 – Plasmoid technology being used at a power plant
2:03:50 – Space propulsion
2:10:22 – Summary on plasmoids, ancient geometry, and the future of planet earth



Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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29 thoughts on “Randall Carlson Finally Reveals Proof of Ancient Lightning Bolt Technology

  1. Help support this podcast by visiting our sponsors: – Use Code DJP when depositing $50 or more – Try it FREE using promo code KONCRETE at checkout.
    0:00 – Story behind the JRE episode that was silenced
    19:52 – Plasmoid technology could have been used by ancient cultures – Connection to sacred geometry
    28:19 – Plasmid vacuum bubbles
    36:30 – First successful buildout of a plasmid engine
    46:55 – The hilsch vortex tube
    51:34 – The plasmoid Unification Model
    57:18 – How this technology will effect the world
    59:33 – The VAJRA implosive turbine & the ancient THUNDERBOLT tool
    1:06:34 – Plasma powered CAT generator
    1:13:05 – Chimneys & coal stacks
    1:17:12 – Aerospace engineer explains potential applications for plasmid energy
    1:27:26 – When will this technology be taken seriously?
    1:39:57 – Thunderstorm generator measurements match the slope of the great pyramid.
    1:43:57 – Potential function of the ancient “Vajra”
    1:45:42 – Zeus holding the Vajra
    1:56:34 – Plasmoid technology being used at a power plant
    2:03:50 – Space propulsion
    2:10:22 – Summary on plasmoids, ancient geometry, and the future of planet earth

  2. There’s no way this tech hits the mainstream anytime soon. It will likely be pre-bunked, debunked, discredited, stigmatised and buried. Wars and murders will probably be committed to suppress it as usual.

  3. The thunderstorm generator is really fascinating if true! If it really is essentially producing a miniature thunderstorm in there, would it be safe to assume the oxygen its putting out is ozone rather than plain old oxygen? Obviously I'm no scientist, just a curious layman with a rough idea of the world, so this could be totally off-base.

  4. Great interview. Would be nice if you could indulge and proactively learn and look into the topics if the people u interview Danny, I have no formal higher education and was cringe to see the minimal amount of following along goin on but credit to u for having Randal on

  5. I've seen a giant soap bubble do this when it collapsed from a torus at both poles. There's more details into what goes on geometrically… It's all thermo-dynamics as the geometric system changes stability-state/phase.

  6. If anybody wants an example of this Vortex tube that puts a heat out of one side and freezing temperatures out the other by a choke tester by Blue Point

  7. I dont want to see Randall dive into the Physics behind something he admits he does not understand. Go further into testing results with legitimate independent witnesses. Something about it just stinks, lots of promises that results "will" come and far too many buzz words used.

  8. This is such tripe. I once respected randall, but he reeks of someone that does not understand thermodynamics and chemistry in this interview. He's a quack in my book now.

  9. Great guest. Love Randall Carlson. But, Randall, if you're reading this, please don't ask Danny questions. He literally doesn't know anything. He's admitted this numerous times and is why he prefers to be the one asking the questions.

  10. Hi Danny, I’m new to your podcasts, I came here as I’m a big fan of both Ben and Randall and their work. Great podcasts. Really enjoy your style and presentation. Excellent work. Thank you

  11. Sorry it has been a long long time since I followed that story, at the moment remains all stories, we do not have anything only stories without any useful information, the day someone shows or says something interesting will be interesting you do not say anything new.

  12. I’m confused as to why Rogan didn’t air the episode… personally, it would have been an interesting back and forth between everyone.. not like he hasn’t had a multitude of guests that have had controversial theories or hypothesis on subjects.. just saying..

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