Welcome to Durability Test #3 featuring @eddiehallwsm @HeavyDSparks Test 3 is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to complete, very few vehicles make it this far. Only the Toyota Hilux has made it to test #4. Enjoy 22 minutes of destruction.
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Absolute crazy man, loved being apart of your crazy world for a day
very inspiring 
Oi come to Australia and drive a bullcatcher and see how tough it can handle

bet you cant destroy this
mate can you pls give those corn to some birds or something if not ruined pls even birds will be in love knowing that it was a CAUSE hahah mate just an idea
Pov : Mercedes owner crying in the corner
You should do a Zamboni durability test
destroy supra mk4, i want 12 year olds to suffer
this dude should do a video on 1969 mini coopers
Buy a rivian and then break it pls pls
Pls buy a
idk y the car talks to me and says. FK I AM DURABLE NOW GET ME OUT
I just realised you doing better than Mr beast
Bro try some Indian cars
Every time you hit the Mercedes G63 my heart was wrenching

But still i watched the whole video
It was really painful to watch whole video
Would like to see same with defender
c(orn) wagon
Can someone please send this to Mat Armstrong
the cop was flabbergasted xD
GAWD DAYYUM G-Wagon really is a hell of a car, shit having 16,000 lbs and STILL climbed up that hill, just that alone makes it a beast.
Y’all a irresponsible. You should’ve gotten ppf
test the Range rover car
Used to enjoy your videos till they ran out and started paying the kids you were rippin on… it’s like a flash back because I didn’t realize how much you cared about other people till it all came together. Literally did not understand a few of your videos were to get back at other Utubers Now realized a lot of your videos are out of spite. Whatever… all the more power to you… still enjoy you destroying shit, forget about the rest
Whistle and desal gets paid to act like a.kid. that's my dream
Yeah I'm watching it again. I use your videos to clear my shop of idiots. Cast it to four TVs and turn it up
. Bye-bye crybabies
This is something
IM crying of laughter. Absolutely hilarious. Keep doing these videos.
w – video
Children die in Africa
bro nest the toyota hilux
@whislin can I have the g wagon when ur done
Am literally crying to see a car in this condition

It would REALLY be cool if he melted (what used to be) the G-wagon into a HUGE METAL CUBE and just put it in the shop
Test The durability of a humvee
Why didn't Mercedes turn off the notifications when they knew?
This man doesn't even deserve an ass! An attention-seeking, spoiled flu!
a childrens hospital could have operated on some childrens tumors with the earnings of selling an immaculate G-wagon.
G Wagon not crushed
What song is 10:55?
Bmw m8 plis
let's hope that the next potential owner will check the car vertical report before buying it
Anyone else keep checking here, wondering what the diesel man is cooking next? Me too!
Geez Seth almost died! Maybe you could try a tiny bit harder to keep the camera ops safe
Wow, i cant belive you connect with someone throught the car calling and the guy was actually helpful and said he’d disconnect the call. And thats after nothing on the dash works