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37 thoughts on “420 Hacks for Beginners – DopeasYola

  1. Cans have a layer of plastic in them, and you’re smoking that when you use them as a pipe. I encourage you to invest in a glass piece for your health, even an apple works if you’re in a pinch.

  2. dude you aren't only entertaining and charismatic with your videos but also a scientist. it was awesome finding out your videos, i wish i knew this lil tricks years ago. much respect

  3. When I started out decades ago couple of my “experienced” friends would call me Stanley steamer. They said I was steaming the joint. Nobody I ever smoked with ever complained,eventually I just stopped sharing joints because of the PTSD of being called Stanley steamer. I rolled up my own so nobody could complain if I really was “steaming” the blunts. We mostly smoked Dutch masters back in the day so I don’t know how I steamed those,now that I think about it those fools just probably didn’t know how to roll… I remember them using all the paper possible from the Dutch while I would never use the leaf and used the tiniest amount of cigar paper as possible and it would still burn as slow as their papered up bullshit.

  4. I think video is really good. my homie will joke around about when I roll but tells me how I can improve, in a way he's like a teacher because he also taught me how to roll.

  5. 36:24 – does anyone else call this politicking? When someone is telling a story and letting the J burn, or if they're simply hogging it for themselves? Like "yo you politicking the shit." We used to say it back in the aughts in Jersey, but I haven't heard it in a minute.

  6. Pretty good video overall. I'm sorry though, but a grinder is 100% necessary.

    1. You get more out of the weed and smokes more evenly

    2. Your collecting the keef rather than getting all over your fingers

    3. Takes easily half the time

  7. Love your app for being such a wonderful person and you are such a good person to help with joints I'm Irelands I got arthritis can you please pick me a good weed for pain 😢😊😊 thank you so so much 🎉

  8. I’m very lucky never burn my thumb, but then I see one of my friend get burn theirs thumbs and now I’m using point finger for light the zaza, and one more Southeast Asia we’re using bottle Gatorade or something bottle that hard solid like Gatorade bottle and ya we also make a hole we call it “nos” just like car nos 😅 but it’s help for get every smoke that were build up in the bottle and it’s hits different from glass bong if you make the bottle bong right btw nice tips even tho when I was beginner i were different from others beginners 😅 all my friend thought I have smoke before but inreality nah I’m start smoke zaza when I were 13 and yes sir till this day still smoking zaza

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