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D.A.R.E. was a terrible idea, and it actually had the exact opposite effect these police were hoping for. This is the story of D.A.R.E., …


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37 thoughts on “D.A.R.E.: Did Police Influence Kids to Try Drugs?

  1. I had the same experience but in 2001. 3rd or 4th grade. After learning about all these drugs in DARE. II had access to the internet and would read hours on hours of trip report on LSD and many other psychedelics. I also never understood as a child why they called it a WAR on DRUGS. My child brain thought they could only wage war on people… that shaped my life.

  2. Legit fam. I will never forget the dare pigs in the 90s and their suitcase of drugs they'd bring in for everyone to look at. Like here this is how to tell if it's real or bunk. Like I get that it was the 90s but for fuck sake there was no drugs in this elementary school for a eternity til you brought them here. Lmfao😂😂😂😂

  3. I remember in grade school in the 70s they had a science fair. A kid did a big display on drugs. He had every kind you could imagine taped to poster board. One of the parents was a pharmacist and called the police. Everything was real! All the pills the weed and the coke! Turned out his dad was a cop and had some explaining to do! Lol lived through the just say no decades and it made us want to try it!

  4. Nope dare did lots of harm. Once I figured out they lied about pot. I did not believe anything they said. It took watching people die and the crime they did because of the drugs to figure out what was ok and not. Pot and mushrooms are ok. Crack opioids meth. Are the bad shit. They should have just been honest.

  5. Back in 1st and second grade, a cop came into my classroom and told me that there were all these drugs out there that make you feel good when you take them. I stopped paying attention by the time he said "but it's extremely dangerous and harmful and can ruin your life," I didn't care I just learned about some shit I wanted to try.

  6. Dare is an evil program it had educational videos on DIY ways to get high, i didnt know anything about getting high and from dare, they just made it seem fun which is why im incredibly against this shit program.

  7. I thought it was really fun cuz I got to ply with the k9 after and they also gave me a thing like a ball and in the middle of the lesson they have the k9 find what students where "hiding" the thing they gave us before and the k9 of course found it idk I have fond memories of it and now I smoke weed oh how life works

  8. D.A.R.E "define, assess, respond, evaluate." 1. Define – what drug do you want? 2. Assess – whos got the best shit? 3. Respond – yo can I get some? 4. Evaluate – eh the shit was mid.

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