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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@madhatterautorepair
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 Connecting rod through the engine block. The engine will need to be replaced.
0:15 The engine will need to be replaced. Will give an update if we get one from the technician on what will happen with that.
0:26 Good thing the customer brought it to the shop because driving any longer like this would result in the wheels coming off!
0:41 Why it’s important to read your owner’s manual!
0:46 The A/C Condenser and the radiator were replaced.
1:01 The shop found the front cover to be damaged (a new one was just installed by the customer).
1:11 The Rear diff had to be removed and rebuilt as the customer did not tighten the bolts for the bearing caps.
1:25 An unusual one. Perhaps the customer was over their head and only replaced the passenger side? You should always replace brakes and rotors on both sides and never just replace one side.
1:39 The Cotter pin, cover, and nut need to be removed to remove the brake rotor. As this truck is RWD, the nut keeps the proper preload on the bearings.
1:52 The customer’s car sat for a while and was towed in for a no-start concern. It ended up going to the scrap yard as it had a ton of issues.
1:57 Snow was falling off the air filter due to the hood scoops. Had a ton of wiring that needed to be figured out. The customer didn’t want it further diagnosed and thought it was an easy issue.
2:13 A hack of “fixes” to try and get this truck ready for the road and pass an inspection. Looks like the truck just needs a new frame or properly fixed by an actual welder/shop.
2:32 The mechanic replaced the turbo, flushed the engine a couple of times using an engine cleaning product, and sent the customer on the way. That’s all they wanted done to their vehicle.
2:41 Chevrolet Cruze. Most likely an animal or pest is in the blower motor and the maggots got to it which created the awful smell when the customer put the A/C on.
2:47 The customer must not want anybody to steal his wheels. Sure makes it a pain whenever you have to remove a tire though.
2:56 Shared by somebody who saw this Nissan Altima driving on the roads in this condition.
3:03 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Watching vehicles pass you going side ways is always bizarre to see at first then it gives me a chuckle. As soon as your hand comes off the wheel it's a crash.
I cannot believe how dumbed down of a society we have now. This makes me sick thinking there are millions of people out there just like these fools.
What a MINUTE !!! How did the man get the wheels centered on the hubs…..four times ?? Normally, the steel lug nuts do that job…ensuring concentric rotation of the wheel. Insane precision….somehow !!??
We're not going to survive as a society, right???
nice to see a holden crewman "3.05" top middle, White 4 door ute
usually get my oil changed every 3k miles. going alittle over cause no moneys, but i know i got till 5k so not worried about hitting the damage limit.
65k? fucking hell people!
changing that cabin air filter ain't gonna shit about the smell lmfao
I remember I showed my brother-in-law a car we had it was still running pretty good he brings it to our house one day I overheard the conversation go outside and there's a bullet hole in the rear driver side I look through the hole and I can see the bullet must have just missed his head, looks like he was making some drug runs and was stealing the drugs and not paying for them. Yes the car was really fast for a older Pontiac.
Wow – you have the best videos on the internet!!
Awe man
Why would anyone want the horn to sound when locking the doors ? To annoy all your neighbors at all hours ?
Some people's kids.

Walmarts losing it when it comes to the mechanic department
Naturally the last car crabbing down the road would be an Altima lol
Crankcase explosions with oil flying out. Okay shut it off before it burns down.
That's a lot of car carnage in a single video.
1.45. ??? I'm pretty sure That Rusted on Rotor will Come Off without Axle Removal. It's Rusted!
Some people should have their licenses taken away along with some mechanics.
Top centre.
Australian Holden Commodore 'Crewman' crew cab ute.
Those Walmart oil changes! Thirty years ago, they didn’t completely tighten the oil drain pan plug on my old car. Suddenly my decently-maintained-though-crappy K Car was dribbling in its parking spot. At least they remembered to put in the oil that time.
its comforting to know, they are in the USA, i am in Europe!
I would have to question the mentality of these car owners.
Alright. I think you woulda got me on the nut with the cotter pin. Never seen that one before. But… I would have probably googled and found an answer before needing to bring it in.
1:46 defeated by a Cotter pin? Are we the same species that invented fire, or was that just a long, long time ago.
people are strange,,

An oil change at Walmart? Dufuq?
"Customer declined (safety) repairs"
how are these people allowed on the road…
If only America had the MOT
1:52 – I imagine the description here was…
"The customer states, that his car doesn't run. The technician had to inform the customer he bought an ashtray, not a car."
My sister had her oil changed at Walmart and they didn't put any back in it. Her engine obviously locked up and they refused to do anything. Long story short: She sued them and won enough to buy a new car.
You thought you've seen it all, but then there is another episode of Just rolled in… I'm speechless…
Jeeze, Am I starting to see a trend with bullet holes in vehicles?
What in the actual fuck is wrong with people
The exit shot of the dog-tracking sedan, whoah!
Dude looked like the back end wanted to pass the front end.
And these people vote…..most likely Democrats
A stupid question that a mechanic might be able to answer, Ive always wondered how oil life meters work in GM vehicles. Its clearly not tied to milage since I am nearing time for an oil change on the life meter but not on the odometer and the only thing I can think of is its basing off hours on the engine(which in a way makes more sense than miles, As the engine is still running even when I am in traffic).
And none of these people should ever own a car
2:32 aah..I recognise that oil filter. Thats from one of those piece of shit PSA engines.
A blown turbo is the least of that customers concern in the future.