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29 thoughts on “Can This Small Vape Make BIG Clouds? POTV V3 Pro Review

  1. After years of smoking I decided to elevate my experience and picked up a POTV ONE. My brother following soon after. It is nice for what it is but it's battery couldn't keep up with either of our needs. And after experiencing the one combustion is just not an option. Concentrates are nice also but who can make those last.😂
    After hearing my brother say that he was going to pick up this V3 I waited to see what he thought. He said that the top was kind of loose and that you need a silicone wrap to make sure you don't lose your battery cap.

    After hearing that I chose to pick up a ROGUE by Healthyrips. It's a little bigger than the one with a bigger battery life and adjustable session time. USB type c and pass through recharge capability so I can use it while charging. Two separate mouthpiece styles. The first is a taller version of that on the one. The second is a dedicated "mouth shape" with an added cap that covers the whole rogue helping eliminate odors. It is custom fit to the hole in the mouth piece inside the cap.

    One similarity to the rogue and the V3 is they both have a bigger bowl than the one.

    I'd like to add that it may be a fluke but within the first month of buying the V3 my brother's device had to be replaced due to it having a short or something which caused the bowl to combust.

    I know this was a long comment but it is mine and my brothers honest experiance and I hope it helps anyone else.

    Matt, I'm not trying to throw shade. I just feel like a review isnt a review unless you use it at least a week a few days minimum as aposed to advertise something brand new out the box @0:15.

    It would be better for the community to know about any downfalls of the device as well as any issues that may occur. It would be helpful for you to because then you could make a longer vlog style post sharing your

  2. I have the xmax version not the POTV edition. Does anyone know if it's basically the same? Apart from the mouthpiece. I mean electronic power. Software etc…cheers

  3. I like the V3 better. It comes with a healthstone for concentrates. When the stone gets dirty you can heat it with a torch until its red to clean it. Its made out of titanium. So no matter how many time you heat it. It wont oxidize. It works great for flower too. It also takes 1865 batteries. You can charge a few and vape all day if you put your batteries back on the charger when they run out of charge.

  4. I have this exact vape, bought it a back in April after spending about a month looking on /r/vaporents and watching Youtube videos. I was trying to find the best bang for your buck, without having to drop like $400 on a Mighty+. This thing is awesome! I can genuinely recommend this device. I previously only used combustion, and this has elevated my experience considerably. Very happy with it!

  5. Great review! Everything was very well explained. I can see you're finding your way around the various vapes very well. You're a quick learner. It's amazing the quality of vapor you can get with some of these newer small devices these days. On a side note, really looking forward to a fresh frozen hash video if you do one. Peace dudes!

  6. I have been trying to save up for one of these. Hard to do on a fixed income. I'm a medical user in FL and tired of combustion. Hope to one win one in a giveaway or a Mighty+ ahhh we can dream can't we…

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