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23 thoughts on “Another Big W33d Myth BUSTED

  1. It's more complex than just- "cannabis does or doesn't cause laziness", like any substance there's many factors like dosage, tolerance, the brain chemistry of the user and the effects they expierence from cannabis, their level of mental maturity, their reason for using, if they have any psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD or substance abuse disorder and just their own personal work ethic. Known heavy smokers with a college education and a 6 figure salary then I've known heavy smokers who are on disability and living with their parents at 35 because they want to just sit around all day getting stoned like they're 15. Pharmacology is a lot more complicated than- "everybody who uses a substance will experience these effects", effects of anything can vary drastically from one person to another. People like to sterotype because it's easy and often affirms preexisting beliefs they have about others, not to mention government loves it because it helps to perpetuate the "drugs are bad m'kay" myth that they want society to blindly believe. Drugs are nothing but inanimate objects that trigger receptors in the brain and produce a wide variety of effects, how a person who uses a substance behaves is just as unique as the person themselves is. Sterotypes are often based in reality but they're just that, a sterotype, a generalization made about an entire group based on the behavior of a few individuals. Lazy people are lazy period, cannabis isn't going to magically make a hard working person sit on the couch all day while eating Cheetos anymore than drinking alcohol will make that same person suddenly quit their job and go pan handle so they can just guzzle booze in an alley somewhere for the rest of their life. Alcohol is a bit of a bad example because it's effects in high doses make it extremely difficult for someone to function normally like someone who's a heavy cannabis user can but the point is that with anything, there's functioning users and non functioning users.

  2. It helps me work, I'm sure it doesn't for everyone, though. Brains are weird like that. For me, it helps me focus and doesn't affect my energy levels. But my buddy will pass tf out on the couch after every hit, even though he smokes a lot and has a good tolerance.

  3. It does depend on the person but ill say this a lot of ppl will defend weed use even if theyre in bad life circumstances like they not saving money and still living paycheck to paycheck. Shits not okay lmao

  4. Yeeeeaaaah. Not every strain creeps up on you, like how Jillybean or anything with GG4 might. Cannabis breaks the ADHD Paralysis barrier better than pharmaceutical amphetamines for me.

  5. Idk I started smoking at 14 and I’m 30 now. The only time I didn’t smoke was around 24-26 and that period of my life was so clear and productive. Tons of energy.

  6. I knew somebody that fit this stereotype, they were also cart fiends… and just down right terrible people to be around… but yeah a great majority who do smoke end up being productive

  7. Weed has a chemical that decreases the amount of dopamine you produce. Thousands of doctors have agreed lower dopamine makes you tired, moody, and unmotivated.

  8. I literally use Marijuana as a motivator, it literally gives me the pain relief , mood and energy to get shit done. It's my coffee. Unbelievable they still trying to find something wrong with one of the greatest plants to exist. Keep it going homie….Smoke Weed Every Day!. ✌️🌲😁

  9. Yeah, bs. Societally speaking, decade after decade, just look at the scoreboard. While I harbor no ill opinions of weed users, and assuming theres not another level of causation vs. correlation to consider, they aren't the most ambitious and productive crowd. I've been around too long to believe whatever "poll & research" results they're pushing.

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