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Um…if u die…how are U SUEING?

How the fuck he is going to sue the state once he is death?
Wish Virginia was this way
Salvage inspection is NOT a safety inspection. The point is to ensure you didn't steal anything. The only thing they verify is you didn't steal anything. Safety is NOT the point of salvage unless you're a seller
I would like to point out, that if you crash and die, you cannot then sue the state, in any scenario.
I used to do state inspections. The things that would roll in were astonishing. Sometimes people have no clue that they are on the ragged edge. There are cliffs, trees , and rock faces, and no straight road within 20 miles. And I have to drive on the same road.
I trust most hot rodders to keep themselves at least reasonably safe. Most of the time it might be loud, or have something intended to look better(roll pans=lack of a rear bumper, but I understand) compared to Karen who has no clue her wheel is in danger of leaving the chat and allowing her the opportunity for an unintended off-road excursion into a limestone rock formation.
Yeah well that made zero sense lol how tf yiu gonna sue if you're dead.
What a snitch
Everywhere else In the world u gotta get an mot every year to ensure your car is safe. America just doest give a fuck

Hey man, he trusts you.
“ if you crash and die, you can sue the state….” How the fuck tho

Ohio dmv doesn’t care if you have safety features, but boy howdy do the state troopers care if you fuckin use em
How can you sue the state if you crash and DIE ?
Yet my wiper blade being couple years old and i cant pass
So if your have poor safety such as no brake lights and that ends up killing someone else that’s just okay? No. If it doesn’t have the exterior safety (if you don’t wanna have a seatbelt it’s your life) , it can potentially kill someone else
Ahh, always wanted to sue the state in the after life.
Man about to come back from the dead just to sue the state
This guys a fucking snitch
Montana be like that as well. Give absolutely no fucks what your vehicle looks like, we got Rez rockets all over the place
Those things are a falosey of KARENS
in government.
I petitioned the government demanding the state of California be granted turn signals but so far no one has listened. It blows my mind a state can exist in current year without such simple safety measure like turn signals. What do these car manufacturers take us for?
Bro is the embodiment of bullshit
Some shady shit is forsure happening there
How about if the person didn’t die? And the person who died wasn’t a part of the car builder?

Ya it's about money I thought that was obvious at this point
Lol why are you so worried about these people giving you a safety? If you built the car it's kind of on you… Finish your work
If you've seen anything like this in an accident, the seat belts won't be a problem. You will be finished the end, either way you won't sue us for it.
Remember you sue them IF you Die.
If you crash and die, exactly how does one sue?
Wooow, the government is evil and incompetent? Noo waaaay
In Texas it used to be no title bring them 275 bux and your four door Caprice classic murder vehicle just became a family vehicle
From.cholo drive-by mobile
To a safe car with a title all legit wink and cough
Lol there were so many loop holes man,then it turned to 500 bucks now it's in the thousands and near impossible
And it's not entirely a bad thing at all lol trust me
Haha bout to start finding lawyers for the families of people with tuners who had to go to the state rep

"State rep said the car was safe"
The f*ck bro is this country.
Am i tripping or does that thing look like a Pagani?
That’s why I love ga. They don’t have inspection or even look at the car your putting plates on. If your in a wreck, and it’s from your lack of maintenance. It’s your fault.
Same goes to my state most of the bike don't have rear signals and mud guard
Thats stupid cuz if you crash and die you cant do shit lmfao
Now thays 3rd world
This is the kind of favor that you're not supposed to tell other people about.