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The iPod marked a change for Apple. It was the product that transformed it from the floundering tech company into the trendy giant it is today. But this story behind it’s creation is filled with a mix of pressure, personal loss, luck and talent.

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45 thoughts on “How the iPod Made Apple Relevant Again

  1. Great product. I have the world's first portable digital music player, the Sony D-50 cd player from 1984 which is portable with it's battery holder.

  2. I REALLY ABSOLUTELY miss that anticipation of what they were going to do with the next iPod!! My first one was the 30GB iPod Video for Christmas 2005!!! I felt like the man because not a lot of people had that new iPod at the time! Now days with Apple Music, Apple ruined the way iTunes would allow you to customize your playlists individually instead of just syncing all of it like now. I absolutely hate that they did this to the playlist feature. Sometimes my artwork doesn’t show on one device and sometimes my playlists get duplicated and this infuriates me because they could have just easily made Apple Music for only Music and playlists like iTunes and moved the iPhone updaters to finder. I know they could have kept the playlist features the same. If it aint broke don’t fix it!! This time they broke it instead of fixing it!! I understand why they had to separate the iTunes store but I hate that Apple Music and Finder are required to keep my iPod running with music and playlists and I refuse to keep a separate mac just for iTunes of old!! 😑

  3. MOST rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping, and then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them

  4. The shots of the MP Man gave me horrible flashbacks of life before the iPod. I think I had a couple of 32MB SmartMedia cards. I think that was about 1 and a half Radiohead albums per card? And, of course, the rubber texture turned all sticky.

  5. I do wonder… The Fraunhofer Society that came up with mp3 is officially an e.V., which is a registered Society by German law and not a company, but more like something of a non-profit – although there are differences. But one can only wonder, what would have happened if they were a company with a US mindset. The licensing fees – and may it be an unnoticable amount to the customer – like 1/100 of a cent per playback of an mp3 file, or maybe 1-2% of every mp3 sale -> They might have among the current tech giants. But that's just us Germans I guess… The ideas and science may still be there at times, but not the Marketing or competitive mindset.

    Working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week to push out a revolutionary product? That would not even be legal here… 10:45 max (incl. mandatory 45 mins break), with legally required 11 hours of rest before you can start working again – and that's for peak times. On a 6 months average an employee may not work more than 8 hours per day on average. Plus mandatory extra compensation for night time, ban of work (with certain exemptions) on sundays etc.

  6. I still love the Ipod more than the Iphone. Iphone now need online connection, activation and accounts. When the only thing i wanna do is play music. Organizing the navigating my music was the best on ipod but i had to give all that up since Apple switch over to the iphone.

  7. I still use my iPod Touch daily, alongside my iPhone. I prefer to have music above and apart from everything else in my "digital life", as I don't like music interrupted — it's that important to me. I think it comes from growing up in the 80s, and the precedents of the Sony Walkman, and later, Discman — separate devices, dedicated to music only, that demanded one's full attention. A Windows user, I held out forever until finally caving and getting a refurb'd iPod 5th Generation in '07, after wasting $$ on some some German thing that failed, and some kidney-shaped Sony thing. I admit, Apple annihilated all the competition with their design of the iPod.

  8. Ipods were good, but the apple ecosystem ruined it. They pushed iTunes on their consumers even though they didn't want it. I used to like apple products but now I avoid the company like the plague. It's too expensive and they don't have any original products now.

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