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Sheldon Solomon is a social psychologist best known for developing terror management theory concerned with how humans deal with their own sense of mortality. Shaldon’s book “The Worm at the Core” is based on 25 years of in-depth research, drawing from innovative experiments conducted around the globe that shows conclusively that the fear of death and the desire to transcend it inspire us to buy expensive cars, crave fame, put our health at risk, and disguise our animal nature.

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0:00 – The #1 driver behind human consciousness
6:49 – Human cognition & awareness of death
23:17 – Death experiments on humans
28:30 – What happens when children learn about death
35:35 – Jordan Peterson
50:23 – Equality of opportunity VS equality of outcome
1:02:03 – John Locke, government, & giving up freedom
1:12:37 – American values & individualism
1:21:55 – How existential dread relates to politics
1:45:43 – Civilization collapse
2:04:32 – Climate change
2:09:52 – Artificial intelligence & immortality
2:16:09 – UFOs & schizophrenia
2:23:18 – Psychedelics
2:35:55 – What happens after we die?




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29 thoughts on “Disturbing Psychological Experiments Reveal Dark Side of The Human Mind | Sheldon Solomon

  1. Support this podcast by visiting to get BlueChew FREE when you use our promo code KONCRETE at checkout.
    0:00 – The #1 driver behind human consciousness
    6:49 – Human cognition & awareness of death
    23:17 – Death experiments on humans
    28:30 – What happens when children learn about death
    35:35 – Jordan Peterson
    50:23 – Equality of opportunity VS equality of outcome
    1:02:03 – John Locke, government, & giving up freedom
    1:12:37 – American values & individualism
    1:21:55 – How existential dread relates to politics
    1:45:43 – Civilization collapse
    2:04:32 – Climate change
    2:09:52 – Artificial intelligence & immortality
    2:16:09 – UFOs & schizophrenia
    2:23:18 – Psychedelics
    2:35:55 – What happens after we die?

  2. Our species is a doomed species imo… we do good things, or do good things sometimes, or try to most of the time .. but at our core,, since the dawn of time, weve done nothing but pillage, destroy, and kill whatever we encounter.. modern human completely wiped out Neanderthal in a SWIFT AMOUNT OF TIME when we started migrating across Western Europe.. and the same thing kept happening throughout the bronze age right through the crusades etc… at its core our planet is savage and hostile. Life is not easy for any species on this rock.. pretty sad givin we are social species that have a hard time without any interactions

  3. How many times did this libtard professor bring up white people ? Then he goes off on how just the AMERICAN currency is evil ? How FEAR is used & the reason people vote/support certain politicians/agendas ? This tool he has the Cho Mo Joe child sniffer look all over him FACT You know he has his male students at his house like Nasty Nancy's husband. Supporting those evil elitist must be how he pays for his adrenochrome ? You have to be a complete idiot to not see the election was rigged "FACT" How could you have this idiot on your podcast ? WOW this guy is so out of touch it unreal !!!

  4. I had a near death experience, i can remember a few very vivd things but the main one was right before i came back in my body i begged not to have to come back. So to me i know its gotta be something amazing. I also found some things i saw myself or others doing was like wtf do people do these things, this is stupid and has no point

  5. Interested until all the fuck you statements. Dude is complaining how violent society is and then just starts issuing the f bombs. This guy is also the problem.

  6. Reading some of the comments first had me scared to watch lol. Glad I did though, it’s more important now than ever to listen to people. I absolutely despise political talks usually since it’s pretty much all bullshit and ran by the corporations at this point, then most people end up ranting away about left or right rather than having a healthy heart to heart conversation. I can genuinely say for myself that death doesn’t bother me, it has always been around me sadly but it’s also good because I’ve seen enough to know that those I’ve lost await me on the other side, whatever and wherever that may be. I don’t believe in mainstream religions, most are only in it for themselves. Greed and control, no different from the government and why they go hand in hand together since the war on drugs really started 2000+ years ago with the first sects of psychedelic pagan religions. I’ve said it a million times that Brian Muraresku would be awesome to have on. I can personally say that psilocybin mushrooms are a true medicine. It helped me work through my depression and ptsd, and while I might still deal with my issues, it’s a far cry from the days of screaming trying to explain what I feel or sitting in a room trapped by my own mind for hours. I genuinely believe that if more people embraced psychedelics in a responsible manner then we wouldn’t have seemingly lost our way because genuine kindness/empathy and critical thinking skills seem to be in short supply these days. Anyways, great talk and always good to hear different perspectives. Keep up the great work Danny. 💪

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