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Dr. Jack Sarfatti is a theoretical physicist whose early career is chronicled in the award-winning book ‘How the Hippies Saved Physics.’ Sarfatti was the leader of the California-based Physics/Consciousness Research Group (PCRG) financed during the 1970s by the US DOD. Jack has spent several decades on the theory behind applications of quantum entanglement to conscious AI and the low-energy metric engineering.

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0:00 – Jack’s childhood
4:41 – Jack’s phone call from the future
15:30 – Program for gifted children / visits from men in black
28:25 – The origins of the CIA relating to Roswell UFO crash
36:20 – Quantum theory & the physics of consciousness
53:42 – Einstein’s theory of relativity explained
1:00:17 – Maxwell field equations
1:08:44 – Bob Lazar is a ‘useful idiot’
1:14:57 – How CIA recruited Jack to work on UFO tech
1:31:51 – Mossad psychic
1:41:50 – Jacques Valle’s recorded meeting w/ Hal Puthoff, Jack & the CIA
1:44:16 – Angels, demons, Hal Puthoff, & Jack Parsons
1:54:52 – Time travel equation / destiny matrix
1:59:02 – Timothy Leary & LSD
2:22:41 – CIA think tank started by CIA spy Harold Chipman
2:32:00 – Oppenheimer & Bohemian Grove



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28 thoughts on “CIA Funded Physicist Exposes Conscious UFOs, Warp Drive & Time Travel | Jack Sarfatti

  1. Help support this podcast by visiting MUD/WTR: Go to to save 15% on your order.
    0:00 – Jack’s childhood
    4:41 – Jack’s phone call from the future
    15:30 – Program for gifted children / visits from men in black
    28:25 – The origins of the CIA relating to Roswell UFO crash
    36:20 – Quantum theory & the physics of consciousness
    53:42 – Einstein’s theory of relativity explained
    1:00:17 – Maxwell field equations
    1:08:44 – Bob Lazar is a ‘useful idiot’
    1:14:57 – How CIA recruited Jack to work on UFO tech
    1:31:51 – Mossad psychic
    1:41:50 – Jacques Valle’s recorded meeting w/ Hal Puthoff, Jack & the CIA
    1:44:16 – Angels, demons, Hal Puthoff, & Jack Parsons
    1:54:52 – Time travel equation / destiny matrix
    1:59:02 – Timothy Leary & LSD
    2:22:41 – CIA think tank started by CIA spy Harold Chipman
    2:32:00 – Oppenheimer & Bohemian Grove

  2. What a PLEASURE! Thanks so much. Most entertaining educational interview I have enjoyed in years. Get Russel Targ and Hal Puthoff on. ASAP! 😊 And urii geller too

  3. Some of these comments are proof that there are alot of people in this world who just wont get or connect with the reality of what UAP's really are and what these "beings" are really trying to do unless the UFO's have rims and shitty under-light kits from Autozone on them and booger-picking aliens on-board.
    Jack is pure gold and hes spitting fire on this one.
    This ones for the folks who dont check their cellphones every 3 mins and have a decent attention span.

  4. 1:32:01 and I was out dude. I cannot keep up with this guy! I am sure he is brilliant but my GAWD! I had no idea when one thought ended and the other one begin. I think I have to double my ADHD dose to finish this episode.

  5. Danny, Who keeps peeking out the window behind this gentleman, very annoying. I counted 20 times in the last 10 minutes in 39:12 ish looks like a woman wanting to be on the Internet. My grandfather worked on the Manhattan Project his name Charles Bagnasco, he told them how much the project would cost,wonder if he knew this man?

  6. This episode was frustrating… this guy is so incredibly interesting and has a lot to say, but holy hell was this difficult to follow. No thread in sight, just crazy back and forth with nothing to hold on to. Danny didn't do a good job here keeping the interview grounded and coherent. Jack's a difficult beast to tame for sure, but I feel that this madness of an episode is both their faults.

  7. Sarfati is an arrogant and insufferable guy who's doing the opposite of science around the 1 hour 55 minutes mark. He's making an appeal to authority to someone asking for proof of his claims. Claims which many scientists of his and better pedigree don't agree with him on.

  8. Reminds me of a woman i was in rehab with. She used to jump from subject to subject to confuse us all in an effort to distract from the fact the councillors were pushing her to talk about her substance issues. I swear lads she went over some shite, it was actually genius avoidence 😅

  9. If he can solve keeping track of his own conversations, then he can definitely solve time travel. Hell its time travel going back and forth, in and out, and back in his conversation 😂😂😂

  10. Danny: but how did the CIA contact you?

    Guy: Well, you're really asking two questions there. The first one takes me back to 1934. Admiral Byrd had just reached the pole, only hours ahead of the Three Stooges.


    Guy: And I guess he won the argument, but I walked away with the turnips. The following morning, I resigned my commission in the Coast Guard. The next thing I heard, there was civil war in Spain.

    [even later]

    Guy : And that's everything that happened in my life right up to the time I got the question

    Danny: Right…. But how did they get in contact?

    Guy: I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones….

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