We all have a favorite food that we enjoy eating. Some of those may be healthy items while others are not. In this video we will take a look at some American foods banned in other countries!
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From my understanding the reason there are so many farmed fish is because large scale commercial fishing has been discouraged.
and they wonder why life expectancy is going down
Since I was diagnosed with diabetes I've noticed that a good 90% of food in grocery stores are off limits.
You shouldn't give Brandon any ideas and now he will probably try to banding these foods & drinks here next lolol

I stopped eating processed garbage food about three months ago and I've never felt better.
i can watch hot dogs and still love eating im 61 in sep. i lived through it all.
If these foods are so bad for you there should be a Surgeon General warning on them, just like on cigarettes and chewing tobacco.
Add a little bit of salt to your coffee to cut the bitterness, or add a teaspoon of honey. Another great sweetener is Stevia.
Stevia is a plant that is 300 times sweeter than cane sugar. It has Zero calories and No fructose, which is great for diabetics.
I grow Stevia on our Deck, but have to take it into our garage during our cold winter months.
Stevia likes warm to hot weather, but not in direct sunlight. The plant can grow up to 3 feet tall.
I take the leaves, put them into a coffee grinder and add it to my coffee to taste.
You can also buy Stevia in large quantities and use it just like sugar when baking.
My mother is diabetic and she controls her diabetes with her food and no longer needs medication.
Sweet N Low, Equal and the like are all chemicals that messes diabetes up. Switch to Stevia (the brand name is Truvia). Once she changed to Stevia she noticed a big difference.
Just to let Everyone know, when you see that something is ORGANIC, this means that the farmer can use any chemical that they choose, like chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc. But at the end of harvest the farmer Must put organic fertilizers into the soil. This includes any animal fertilizers, such as cow manure.
I have a friend who makes his living growing ORGANIC PUMPKINS.
He uses all the chemicals that every other farmer uses on their crops, but after harvest he uses cow, chicken, horse manure when he tills the ground for the winter.
So ORGANIC food i
IS NOT chemical free .
The only way for you to get pure ORGANIC food is to grow it yourself.
The FDA will Not tell you this, nor will an ORGANIC farmer.
We spray our fruit trees every spring with copper and other chemicals to protect our trees from insects and disease. Every 2 weeks we spray our trees with pesticides, until they start producing fruit. We then use natural nicotine from cigarette butts soaking in water overnight and strained through cheese cloth into our sprayer. The insects will bite the leaves and die of nicotine poisoning. The ONLY fertilizer we ever use is steer manure. So our orchard is considered ORGANIC.
We either grow, can, freeze dry almost All of our fruits and vegetables. We use natural herbicides, (such as we have friends who smoke cigarettes and they save their cigarette butts. We soak the butts in water. The nicotine that mixes with the water is then ran through cheese cloth and into our sprayer. When the insects eat our vegetables they die of nicotine poisoning). We then rinse our fruits and vegetables very well before eating or cooking them.
, so I cut them thin and freeze dry them for her to take to work for her mid day snack. We also make freeze dried sweet potatoes, mangoes, carrots, etc.
We barter our fruits and veggies with family to get our pork and beef. The livestock are always organically grown so our meat is always fresh and chemical free.
We try to eat all our food that we know to be free of chemicals.
Our water comes from our well which is softened and purified before it enters our house.
We try to cook our food using our cast iron skillet, which has been pasted down from my Great Grandparents. Our cast iron skillets are over 100 years old.
When using a cast iron skillet, some of the iron leaches from the skillet into our food.
While baking we always use glass, cast iron, ceramic.
For people who live in an area that cannot grow a garden, plant your vegetables in planters designed for house plants.
Invest in a Freeze Dryer so you can freeze dry your food and store them in Mylar bags with an oxygen absorber. This will allow your food to last up to 25 years.
You can also freeze dry meat. When freeze drying food, it retains 97% of the nutrients, whereas if you can your food you loose up to more than 50% of the nutrients and if you dry your meat (like jerky) you will loose more than 60-70% of the nutritional value, while adding too much salt.
You can also freeze dry hard candy if you have a sweet tooth. Freeze dried bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc are natural sweet treats.
My wife Loves beets
When buying chicken, buy whole chicken and cook the entire chicken.
Every time you buy chicken breasts, thighs, legs separately, it’s dipping in an acidic liquid each time they cut away.
We buy roasted whole chickens from Costco. Costco sells them packaged and deboned. We then freeze dry them. Just soak them in water and reheat them when you want to eat them.
Wow slowly turns out everything we been eating are unhealthy and cancerous.
Just heard that Aspartame is cancerous as well, and the UN is thinking to ban that sweetener…
Not at all surprised. When I travel outside of the US I never have digestive issues; bloating, acid reflux, etc. As soon as I get back I can feel the difference in my stomach.
I’m from Chile and when I’m there the food tastes different, it’s so good!
We have Ritz crackers in Norway. The recipe has probably been altered to fit the local rules.
Good thing I expect to die of cancer anyway…….
We already know that a Twinkie will last over 1,000 years. It is the perfect food. So, as I sat in my armchair scientist seat…I concluded that we just scrape off all the bad parts on the Twinkie (like scraping mold off of bread or cheese)…Including all the bad dyes…Then consume large quantities of them…Chase it down with a Coke or a Red Bull…We too, can live over 1,000 years because we scraped off all the bad stuff. Trust my science.
Best not to eat processed food or pigs, as a general rule if your goal is long life and good health. But since the world population is exploding to the point of non-sustainability, EAT UP Y’ALL!!!

The only things I don't eat on this list are salmon, because I'm not much for seafood, and I never tried Doritos Light because I never found them anywhere.
Please do a foods banned in the US video!!
Gross…good thing I’m allergic to most of that food…
So we are being poisoned unknowingly…
This is just the tiny tip of a very large iceberg. Learn your food ingredients.
What about these fat free,sugar free,they taste nasty! They say ogh caz it's healthier but the truth is replacing indegrients cuts down cost of production
The American FDA needs to be replaced, it's crazy that farm fresh milk, eggs and probably produce even are ban, yet the stuff they do allow all has questionable ingredients.
I also don't like that Alcohol and Wine is allowed to no have ingredients at all. There's a lot of crazy stuff in alcohol.
Why is these foods allow in the USA?
At 11:00 , if this time workers accurate because YouTube won't stop throwing lying ads at me.
With the Skittles it was not mentioned The coating on the Skittle is literally poisonous to humans, if you wish to look into this notice if you eat three packets of Skittles in a row you are over the toxicity limit. That's three regular packages of Skittles like the one shown in the image not family size not share size not party size regular original size.
I really wouldn't call this food.
I learned about the ingredient "'carrageenan" the hard way. The idea of consuming milk is gross to me, so I started drinking almond milk. Within a week, my throat was burning and my skin was breaking out. I did a little google researching about almond milk and found out about this harmful additive.
The FDA has been allowing these devilish food companies license to kill the American people for decades. What a shame,
Thought of something you might be interested in! Dessert Trolley's. They used to have them in restaurants. I haven't actually been to one that does have them, but seen them in movies (Moonstruck, Matilda both come to mind).
all other countries should not be like us and get rid of mcdonalds!!!! and many others
Scientists and corporations should stay out of the food business. The best food in America is at family owned restaurants.
Mountain Dew stopped using Brominated Vegetable Oil sometime in the last few years. The store brand versions though, generally still have it.
Edit: apparently 2020.
And I was just going to pick up some instant mash. Thanks for the heads-up
People who like black coffee will not use creamer.
People who like creamer will not drink black coffee.
People who will drink both black & creamy coffee do not exist.
Or if they do, they are a rare anomaly.
I remember in High School, Shanna & I ate an entire jar of maraschino cherries.
Then we mixed the juice with either 7Up or Slice to make Sherly Temples.
I remember when dyed pistachios were banned from grocery stores.
Why do all the fun things have to be bad for us?!
I love you and your channel, thanks for what you do!
So what would you rather eat, a brown apple or carcinogens?
Cool, I live in America. My options are now lettuce.
In the USA we have the freedom to kill ourselves by eating unhealthy food.
I don't trust the FDA at all.