Kevin Ryan and H. Foley of the Are You Garbage Podcast join the show to talk about shark attacks, catching foul balls ettiequte, …
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Everyone in the airport: “Lil Sas?!”
Foley’s right , those 30 for 30’s were allllright nottoshabby. Not to shabby at all…,.
Love the AYG guys! Not so sure about these barstool twinks tho
Foley is an all American classic. The pinnacle of perfection.
We need a segment where listeners send in their banger tweets to Sas and Rone and have them evaluate them
they make fun of sas for playing pool but as a former avid player myself, I was getting excited for him, then rone really shit on him by laughing in his face, but it was well deserved
Please try and get yourselves onto the Legion of Skanks podcasts
I like to imagine Sas and Francis playing terrible pool for hours on end. Games taking forever to finish because neither can pot the black ball.
Fuck that was funny good job lads
Dirty Franks is on 13th and Pine. Dilly Dilly
What the fuck, ive been listening to MSSP and I had no idea that "rone" was THE Rone… Dudes a beast.
I liked this video before the ad was over
On average between 10 to 20 people at most are killed by sharks a year. People kill 100 million sharks a year.
Love you sas(full homo)
Ps- what kind of boots is rone wearing?
Jesus, how many sperms have the McCuskerers donated?
get the camera work up what the fuck
this audio mix is awful
Too many people talking at the same time
Salted butter on the counter, unsalted in the fridge
Foley is such a loveable dumbass it's amazing. At 44:53 he's talking about how he took twice the recommended dose of mushrooms, and a minute later at 45:55 he's saying he doesn't know what happened to get him to that point
Absolute Binkie the Clown moment he's hilarious
"Homemade cookies… like those Pillsbury rolls of dough"
"Butter that's left on the counter so it's hot"
Jesus Christ, as a chef I want to slap you bois yet also take you under my wing. Tommy Pope would be more accessible but my first lesson would be: a stick of any basic salted butter left on the counter is the foundation. We'll move forward from there
much love from a fan of the Philly podcast squad which is how I found ya, regardless of your culinary knowledge you two are hilarious and I'm a loyal fan
Shoutout to the AYG bozos

And a good time was had by all.
Great pod, laughed my ass off. You guys need more cameras
S/o Dirty Franks
They don’t use the bird test engines for flight fellas don’t worry! Lol
Only reason I got to 30 minutes was to see da AYG boys! Kid with the shoes on the table reminds me of a like valley like girl
Rone and the cock fighting situation was a little disappointing. Watching animals suffer for entertainment is not good (I'm not a vegetarian, I'm talking about their prolonged suffering being a "sport")
You guys call eachother about coordinating pants for this?
Your killing it with the guests week after week. I some how became a fan of this pod just cause you keep having good guests lol you like Stockholm syndromed me dude.
Me and my buddy used to shoot arrows in the air and run from them in his pasture. Real arrows with a real bow. Good times
Sas, you are wasting your time if you're doing 5 rep sets for your workouts. Rone was spot on you want around 12, but general rule is anywhere from 8-15 reps as long as you are getting just as close to failure it all works the same, but 5 is too low thats closer to power lifting training.
"in a couple million years, they'll be riding rascal scooters and shit like that"
-H. Foley
sas adjusting the way he sits at 1:18:37 is pretty hilarious
Another name they could have used for this ep. is Chuckin Chickens.
Sas, why are you blinking like someone has an LED light in your eyes? Lay off the SSRIs son
Literally an ad every 3 seconds like wtf you guys aren’t getting the bag enough lol you need that? It’s terrible