If you like it totally fine..but here are a few valid reasons why YOU should consider stopping.
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Me personally I smoke blunts but if you got papers count me in cuz I can taste my bud more
3:02 cracked me up
lol we pay like 2 dollars for 32 papes and 32 filters (raw) welcome to sweden gs
My dad had two stroke’s from smoking his whole life. Most of his friends at his retirement home are there because of smoking it’s crazy man.
All smoke is bad for you no matter what you smoking . Fact
that shitty weed example kinda sucked, no matter how good the weed is i'll always choose a blunt over a joint lol
I pay about 12$ for a blunt wrap and 1g or 15$-18$ on a blunt wrap and 1.5-1.6g
Do you smoke bud bud on here or your cbd bud your store sells
You're right I'm quitting.
None because I dont have the money too but if I did I would spend at least 5.99 dollars on swissers
If you don't like tobacco…dont ever let your joint get rolled by a german…
"I'm still not back from that". Ive never heard it put that way before. I like that a lot.
Each to their own. The reasons I roll spliffs (as in weed and tobacco) is because it's all I've known. Here in the UK, spliffs are the most common way of getting high.
Also, its not legal here and there's no guarantee that you can always get weed. It stretches your weed out a little more and I suppose I'm just used to it.
I just gave up cigs a couple weeks ago and haven't smoked a blunt in over a month think im really done this time i hope so
Never a good sign for the channel when the host responds to a correction with "you can click off" but who knows maybe this time will be different
I Spend $8 Dollars A Week On Cigarillos
As someone smokin a blunt rn and had parents and family who all smoked hits close man I love you brotha everyone has there thing tho, I smoke like 5 packs of blunts a day it’s sad tbh
Here lies bill he smoked so many blunts he died
My first time smoking is with my middle school first gf she gave me a cigarette then the next year I found a unopened pack in the bushes that must of fell off the roof when we where getting it done and kept smoking all of high-school smoking a bunch of marlboro red 100s
Also weed buzz is more enjoyable
Tobacco buzz is more powerful
Ur choice
I get them for free but this video made me wanna quit vaping so ima quit tobacco
$1.5 with tax in Michigan
I been smokin woods since 2014 an im good
I smoke out my bong. I love cones, but I won't say no to a blunt
Papers and weed are so much more healthy than cigs but their still not healthy. Smoking anything is going to expose your lungs to carcinogens as well as a tar build up.
A whole fronto leaf can last almost a oz
5 buck for whole fronto leaf
What about the negative health effects of smoking weed your still inhaling smoke which disturbs your lungs like I've coughed up yellow and black shit from smoking weed
I used to smoke multiple blunts a day <3 now I can make one or two blunts a week or two. Going to start using hemp wraps.. I prefer the thick hemp wraps.
Me ripping up my pre rolls to roll in a game
I will get hemp wrap next time. Juicy j used to make my fav hemp wrap not sure if they are still a thing
I’m 21 and i never did half the shit yola did
(respectfully) i vaped for a yr and instantly quit cs i got nauseous by it but i do smoke woods but not blunts anymore like that but i buy good times which r a dollar.
native american tabaco is better then reg cigs very spiritual type shit
I normally smoke joints as well, not because I hate blunts because of the tobacco. I love blunts. I don't smoke smoke them all the time. I only smoke them if I achieve my goals that I am very happy with. Or if I'm hanging out with friends.
Camel non filters? I thought I was a lil tough for smoking Marlboro Reds…
I don’t buy blunts no more I smoke RAW 300 papers for $5.30 pack of blunts $1.50 cash
Or you could just smoke a bong, and not pay anything
I stopped smoking tobacco blunts cause i started getting lung pains, after that i stuck with raw papers and never got them again
a pack of 5 backwoods here (barcelona) is about 3 bucks but even the cheap weed here has decent quality with a pretty good taste
We want a video with ur sister
youre not a fat guy, youre OUR fat guy.
I don't smoke blunts or tobacco to be honest I only smoke with raw papers because I like the natural taste of the hemp.
bammer is now a part of my weed terminology . thanks yola
New York to LA. with just headlights in front of you… good stuff. Congrats on all your accomplishments already this year dude, well deserved.