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Bek Lover is a podcaster and proud Albanian. Both his mother and father immigrated to America from the oppressive regimes in Albania and Kosovo. Unfortunately, other members of Bek’s family were not so lucky. In the Kosovo War of 1999, many of his relatives were victims of the Serbian Army’s Genocide against Albanian Kosovars.


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0:00 – The tragic history of Albanian people
6:30 – Albania’s love affair with America
15:07 – The American Empire
19:57 – Experiencing REAL oppression in Albania & Kosovo
26:06 – Trauma
32:31 – Immigration
34:47 – Ukraine / Russia war
42:22 – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
45:44 – Surviving the worst day in NYC history
56:33 – The biggest misconceptions of Islam
1:11:07 – Free speech and Elon Musk
1:18:10 – The Easter Bunny Generation
1:27:48 – Arms Dealers
1:30:23 – The next world war
1:42:30 – New York City
1:45:51 – Drugs
1:52:20 – The power of laughter
2:00:40 – Divine wisdom




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38 thoughts on “The Dark History of Albania & The Future of the American Empire | Bek Lover

    0:00 – The tragic history of Albanian people
    6:30 – Albania’s love affair with America
    15:07 – The American Empire
    19:57 – Experiencing REAL oppression in Albania & Kosovo
    26:06 – Trauma
    32:31 – Immigration
    34:47 – Ukraine / Russia war
    42:22 – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
    45:44 – Surviving the worst day in NYC history
    56:33 – The biggest misconceptions of Islam
    1:11:07 – Free speech and Elon Musk
    1:18:10 – The Easter Bunny Generation
    1:27:48 – Arms Dealers
    1:30:23 – The next world war
    1:42:30 – New York City
    1:45:51 – Drugs
    1:52:20 – The power of laughter
    2:00:40 – Divine wisdom

  2. The truth is , that we r for real , we r really beautiful people , respectfull and honored people , and all we have today , we got it by fighting hard since day 1 of our existance , soo , thats why we r so fuckin proud and the most we care about is our flag , leanguage , honor and culture. That why we celebrate so much the indipendent day ,, im telling this couse some tv news in England said some bullshit for the same event that we'be done in NY city , anyway i think they just gelous… (Sorry for the misstakes in writing , i learned english by tv )

  3. Actually, as a bit of a fan of history, i'd love to see an accurate movie about Albania saving the Jews. Basically an Albanian underground railroad, but bigger. Fascinating and just a great part of a very dark span of history.

  4. Hey but when 1 person stays in power for so long it will corrupt. And a person will become a dicator. I think this is good when you can not stay in power for long.

  5. Why is Albania a major player in the importation of cocaine and meth into North America then, if they love this continent so much, there helping destroy it with bullshit synthetic drugs

    If there is ONE thing ALBANIANS have MASTERED is Creating Paralleled Power Structures. It did not start with your generation, IT did not start with the Arbereshe. It goes b ack to the Bronxe age. Why do you think its so easy for us to maintain 4-5 identities simultaneously?!
    Meanwhile other ppl forget themselves in the dust of history, I can speak 6 languages and I will make sure my kids can speak 10!
    Thanks to our primordial language, THE LANGUAGE OF THE GODS, I dont crack my head about it. THATS WHY THE "GREEKS" and "TURK" Hate you, YOU SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THE ANCIENT GODS.

  7. My parents are from Plavë dhe Gucia (Plav i Gusinje) and it's the first time I can relate 100% with someone on these YT podcast, selam dhe urime Bek!

  8. Jsst a little fact check, Irish came to Boston just shy of two hundred years before any Albainians. Not trying to be mean just facts man.

  9. This interview blew me away. also alot of what you both spoke on a great man said and more years before. look up the interview Russell Means: Welcome to the American Reservation Prison Camp.

  10. The 1st time I stepped in US. I felt it. I have no idea how to explain it. 55:10
    That's the truest thing ever. I lived for couple of years in NYC and many other capitals in Europe. It's just unique there's no other place like it. Forget Europe or Japan or whatever.

  11. Bek is so right about Albanians not wanting to be part of EU. I swear if there was a referendum to join US we'd immediately vote with both hands. And it's not only because US is powerful. We are not only thankful but we're very similar with Americans. I lived in the US and I could compare. There's only one thing louder than Americans, that's Albanian Americans. Our presence, Americans and Albanians, we freaking emanate with our presence and self confidence.

  12. I’m totally not downplaying the hustle of the immigrants, but I’m highlighting it. I remember my family when I was a kid and they came from Greece but they didn’t have anything so negative like the Albanian. From the Kosovo issue, but nonetheless, the poverty was the similarity there, and what happened was you saw that hustle in the drive and what you’re saying right now and what I remember from my family makes me think off a saying.

    I think it goes something like hard time created hard man, Hartman, create better time, better times create stop by, soft meant, create hard times.

    So people should see the contrast all the time, but how do you show contract without putting people through actual hard time? I think one thing they should see is the story of the immigrants like the Albanians. So it’s good to have peace and blessings, but how do you teach people this lesson without them experiencing hard times? And how do we create a different type of human world where we don’t have to go through all of this

  13. My best friend growing up was my Albanian neighbor..The hospitality this guy is talking about is real..And im not gonna lie, the whole street feared the dad of my friend and he was pretty crazy, but I never felt safer then when I sat in his livingroom and wathced TV with him and smelled his cigarettes.

  14. Ancient Greece were Albanians 🇦🇱 PROOF ——> Hellene = Yll Hene = Star Moon Albania = Yll Banoj = Star Dwellers Illyrian = Yll Rri Un = I’m a Star Dwellers Pellasgian = Pi Yllis Qe Jan = R From The Stars Olympian = Ylli Mbi Han = Star above Moon Aphrodite = Afer Dita = Near Day / Dawn Athena = Yll Ti E Hena = Star You And Moon Venus Aphrodite = Vjen Afer Dites = Comes before the Day Approaches Juno Junon = Je Non/Ju Non = You Are Mother Parthenon = Part e Jon = Our First Ancestors. Artemis = Ardht e Mi = My Predecessors. Hera = Je Ra = You Have Fallen Heracles = Je Ra Ka Ylli = You fall from the stars Achilles = Ai Qiellis / Ai Ka Ylli = From Sky/Stars Angel Engel Enki = En Qiell = In the Sky Rhea = Reja = Clouds Zeus = Zot = God Triton = Driton = Light Up Cronos = Kronoj = Create

    Ares = Aj Rre = He Fights

    Demeter = Dimer Ti = You are Winter Hestia = Vjesht Ti Je = You are Autumn Kore Persephone = Korrje Par Se E Bone / Punoj – The First Crops you Make / Work

    Hades = Je Dhe = You are Soil/Land/Ground Poseidon = Posedon = Owns / Possessor

    Apollo = Ai Pi Ylli = He is from the Star Apollonia = Ai Pi Yllis Une = He from the Stars Me Macedonia = Madhe Dhe Une = Great Land Me Acropolis = Aja ka Ra Pi Ylli= It Fell From the Star

    Prometheus = Permi Dheut = Above Earth Ganymede = Qe Jeni Mi dhe = Above Earth U R Fates Moira = Fat Mira = Good Luck Nemesis = Nem e zez = Black Curse Eros Psyche = I Ra Psych – He enchanted her with the Evil Eye Neptune – Ne Jep Ty Ujin = We Give U Water Uranus = Uj Ran = Rain Jupiter = Je Pi Yje Ti = You are from the Stars Mars = Madh = Great Saturn = Zot Erdhen = The Gods Came Mercury = Mi Er Ky Rri = Above the Air You Dwell Hermes = Erdh Mi Er = Came from above the Air Amazon = Jam E Zoja = I’m a goddess Hecate Empusa = Hekja Ti Em Pushtaj = Remove it, It Has Possessed Me Nymphai = Ne Jemi Pi Ujis = We are from the Waters Nysiads = Nusja Ujit = Water Bride Druids = Druit = Wood / Woods Siren = Ze i Rren = The Voice That Lie Dragon = Dreq Jon = They Are Devils Kulshedra = Kuq Je Dreq = Red Dragon Charybdis = Kari Pidhi = Cock – Pussy Vampire = Dhom Pir = Drink with Teeth Daimon = Ndimon = Helpers Scylla = Se ka Sill Ujin = That Has Twirl The Water Echo = Je Zo = You are a Voice Medusa = Madhe Se Je = Great you Are Gorgon = Eger Goj / Eger Qe Jon / Wild Mouth /They are Wild Chiron = Sheron = Cures Agnodice = Aj Shnosh Diken = He Cures Someone Byzantine = Beson Ti/Besojn Ton = You/All Believe Basilica = Bes Yllis qe je = Star Faith you are Ocean = Uj Qe Jan = Water They Are Tricrania = Tri Kry Ni Je = Three Heads one you Trinicria = Tri Ni kry Je = Three but one Head Gemini = Qe jemi Ni = That we are one Legion = Ligji Jon = Our Law Religion = Ri Ligji Jon = Our New Law Troy = Troja Jon = Our Land Priam = Pari Jam = I’m The First Spartans = Spart Tan = Our First Ancesters Sparta = Shpata = Sword Pausanias = Pasunia = Wealth / The Rich Once Leonidas = Ylli Jon I dhes = Our Lord of the Land Bucephalus = Buker pi yllis = Beautiful Horse Monument = Mane Mend = Keep In Mind Museum = Mesojme = We Learn Library = Libra rri = The Books Stay Egyptian Gods Thoth = Zoti = God Seth = Sheh Ty = Sees You Anubis = Jan Pi Yje = They From The Stars Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink Tefnet = Tjep Shnet = Gives You Health Nut = Nat = Night Khonsu = Ky Hona = He Is the Moon Sekhmet = Sheh Kijamet = Sees Doomsday Geb = Qe Jep = He Gives Maat = Mat/Madh = Measure/Great Bastet = Bes Te Ti = Believe in You Osiris = O Siri = Is The Eye Isis = Yllis ZiZ = Black Universe Amun Amon Amin Aman = Ylli Mi Han Tutankhamun = Zot Jan Ka ylli Mi Han = Gods Are From stars above The Moon Pyramide = Pi Yll Ra Mi Dhe = From the stars Fell on Earth YHWH = Je Havaja = You Are Heaven 🙏 TikTok Ancient_Albania — plmnb

  15. This guy loves America way more than a lot of white trash left wing Marxists.

    Mass immigration can "topple an empire." hmm wonder what the Marxist new world order has up their sleeves with all these immigrants.

  16. 32:56 Well, that's capitalism…. by hiring illegals to do these types of jobs, cuts costs for the developers significantly… They don't have to pay worker compensation or hazard pay….

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