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Rammstein drummer makes a statement on the investigation into frontman Till Lidemann. The Rammstein drummer says he does not believe any crimes were committed and says the band remains united.

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25 thoughts on “Rammstein Drummer on Till Lindemann Investigation: He Has Distanced Himself From Us

  1. Like I said I dont nor even believed the allegations when I 1st heard of this. . people will back stab any1 whether it be a man or woman. ppl in general will do anything for the money. hey its happened b4 concerning some girl falsely accused Snoop dog remember that? and one that was interviewing Snoop said why dont u just pay her just to get it over with and i'll never 4get his response he said Why ? I didnt do anything. so there ya go. hint hint.

  2. Women have thrown themselves to famous and powerful men since the beginning of times for the thrill.
    It's also so funny how these women think that they are invited and receive preference treatment for something other than sex. Let's not be naive here, we know the intentions.

  3. Everyone wants to sue someone for money,fame,and recognition.I feel for those who use people to accomplish their shameful antics,it's wrong and you almost need a non-disclosure for dinner anymore.What has society becoming?

  4. On a lighter note, I just now noticed the Eagles helmet in the background. Grew up in the area and am a life long Eagles & Phillies fan. Have enjoyed your channel for a few years now!

  5. The interesting thing is that Shelby was accompanied by a blonde woman who took video both before and after Shelby was alleged to have been drugged & there was no difference in her demeanour or behaviour. She bragged that Till had wanted to have sex with her on this video. It doesn't look as if anything untoward actually happened in this woman's case.

  6. He spiked her drink before the show with the cap still sealed? She rejected him and he left angry…tell me again why she didn't make a report and instead went on social media? Her recollection of events makes no sense.

  7. Mmmm-hmmmm…in other words, don't blame the rest of us for what Till does. He's distanced himself and we have nothing to do with it. As far as I know, he's not doing anything illegal…with these young women. Good job, Schneider! Saying what needs to be said. As long as he's distanced himself from you all, the more you can stay distanced from him. Good! He's been a bit of a misogynist creep for a long time. You all need to remember that you don't know these people and they live by different rules than you. Just sayin'.

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