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Nick Jonas has addressed his viral guitar solo incident during the ACM Awards in 2016. Nick Jonas says he blanked out during the performance and it went downhill from there, adding that he practiced extensively for the gig.

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39 thoughts on “Nick Jonas on His Guitar Solo FAIL That Went Viral

  1. At least he has the Nards to perform live and actually play an instrument instead of pre recorded auto tunes and synthesizers.. but yea practice till you can't mess up and Learn to recover

  2. he didnt smoke enough pot and drink and party to be a good guitarist…you gotta earn it…not drink energy drinks and do yoga

  3. This old news nick your in the clear Now about news thats now what about the pink headed pedo MGK and his Botched solo 😂 he didnt black out ,or say he thought that was bad ,but was so out of key my dog started howling but now hes got Sophie Lloyd playing guitar for him and she knows her stuff .My point is why is Nick Jonas still being hasseled and everyone just ignores pink haired froot loop

  4. I don't sing to a paying audience. Do what you're good at would be my suggestion. If you're good enough to be there, then you should be good enough to recover.

  5. Messing up guitar solo live is nothing new, even pro guitarist makes mistake but this is the internet and some people just get unlucky i guess😆

  6. I don't care if he's a Nice guy just let him know stay in your lane pop-tart plane and simple your not a Rock star with the cock n' balls swagger of say Joe cocker (lunatic Fringe) till then stay in your lane

  7. I can empathise with him, I once forgot a solo in a song after missing a note, I tried to improvise but it came out terrible. Luckily there were no cameras broadcasting that moment to the whole world.

  8. As someone who never really let loose like I wanted when playing the drums because I was too shy and feared peoples opinions, I do feel for this moment. I mean, entertaining for thw wrong reasons yeah but fuck what a shitty moment, I would not wanna take on that

  9. Lol didnt stevie t make fun of this fool? Idgaf how nice he is, as a musician you dont just "blank out" unless ur on drugs, and even then its not acceptable. Karma 100%

  10. Not a fan of him but I agree. It doesn't feel good for anyone to screw up live especially if you already are famous and playing in front of so many people and on television

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