Gabe Liedman describes the genius of Grindr, his fascination with “Game of Thrones” and the fantasy genre, and his experience with “veggie farts.”
Original airdate: May 24, 2013
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why are the bleeps so f4cking loud? i rather hear f4ck then million times than these d4mn bleeps the whole time! i cant even make it past 2 min like this
bleep gay voice bleep bleep bleep gay voice bleep bleep bleep gay voice…. i am 2 min and there have been like 15 bleeps already… wtf… guess i gotta skip this vid because he sucks and not in the grindr way either but in the not funny way
i left in less than a mniute, having been treated as a child with words censored.
I agree about monkeys. Never liked them. They are annoying and creepy.
Great show! I made it all the way though… now when do I get my EKG results?

Ooouf 3 giant loud censor beeps in and that’s enough to get me tf outta here. Gj comedy central!
I love his fantasy joke
Can’t watch this – too many beeps – WTF
Censorship sucks
Why post adult comedy if you are going to censor it.
Disclaimer: This video was taken from a set recorded all the way in 2013. That could explain why it’s so heavy with the censoring, which isn’t the case with the new stand-up videos. It’s also probably the reason why this guy doesn’t know what Tinder is lol
BLEEEEEP! BLEEEEEEP! BLEEEEEP! Wow. Whoever was in charge of bleeping the mature language completely ruined this video. Unwatchable. Or rather, unlistenable. Too bad. Could've been funny. I'll never know.
Probably funny. Can't tell through the CENSORSHIP
How does the Comedian feel about the Beeps? I need to turn this off now.
OK so it gets the thumbs up because what I could stand to watch was good, but that *BLEEP*ing censor bleep really *BLEEP*s up anyone's enjoyment of this.
Dear Netflix: I already give you money, please give this man specials so we can watch him uncensored. <3
Dear YouTube: Stop letting lazy parents determine what everyone else is allowed to say, do, see or hear – there are already parental controls and TV passwords for that. Thank you.
he is phenomenal!!
Censorship ruins comedy. You ruined this mans set v
Really enjoyed his set but Comedy Central did him dirty with all that unnecessary and obnoxious bleeping
Never commented and left a video this fast, censorship and comedy cannot coexist.
Censoring is so annoying!
Not worth watching because of lame censorship
I don't mind cursing, I hate that beeping though.
Excellent set!
uggggh this was awful. not funny fail
The comedian is hilarious. The channel sucks. They destroyed this set. I'm at 5:38 and I can't watch this anymore bc of the bleeping. This is what happens when bureaucracies run the show. I'm sure this is the work of an idiot on a power trip who ignored all of the justified contradictions from their more talented staff.
Look at me! I want sex! All I think about is sex and that is my identity!
Dude, this type of comedy is xxx + … no good
The beeps are like putting white out paint to cover up part ofa Picasso painting…….censorship.
Isn't this allegedly a "free country"?
It's not you guys it's our system.
Bunch of sensitive….. people to say it nicely.
I think those censorship beeps gave me cancer. WTF? Anybody got a bootleg video they made at the show? This is unwatchable in its current format.
Couldn’t make it past the first few minutes of beeps. Terrible.
FFS! Was there a fire at the CC archives? Do you actually not have the version without the bleeps? He’s hilarious, but this version is unwatchable.
Why is this censored? Against a gay man during pride month speaking freely? WTF!!! Also, the censor beeps are so intrusive please upload uncensored, adults are watching ffs
Great job!