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This still doesnt seem real to me….my life has officially became GTA!!! for all gear PUSH TREES IG …


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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46 thoughts on “House Tour w/ Yola – DopeasYola

  1. Damn bro that house is what the fuck is up my guy, I also seen you had what, an HHC vape thing out, yea buddy! I'm a new subscriber and it's what's up before you even started you said it's all because of us, that is 💯. My dude, keep it up, I love all the content I've seen!

  2. brooo i’m so proud of you, you have came so far and i have been watching you for a good 3 years now and i can honestly say you are my and all of my homies favorite youtuber but anyways i’m proud of you thomas and i will continue to support you, and this is a dope ass house!!!

  3. It’s great too see some one appreciate what they got when they never had it bro you are truly blessed dude I’m so happy for you I love your 40 day-date 🌹 and your new car your amazing you definitely deserve it bro 🎉🎉

  4. You should really do a video with your diet and what you eat cause I relate so much I’m also am allergic to all foods! soy, wheat, gluten, dairy, chicken literally everything and i know I don’t eat properly for my diet cause it’s so hard! I’m just so curious what you eat!

  5. Dont waste your money renting. Use every dollar like it's your last. Buy your shit while you are able too. Also send me a dopest pack cuz🤣😭💯✌🏽.

  6. Dude I'm fried when writing this but I didn't catch where Thomas said he found a picture of his DAD. Not himself so when I went back I'm like "This guy looks identical to his father".

  7. I would recommend making walnut meat or using mushrooms to add more substance. It is my favorite meat replacement so far. There is also hemp seeds that have a lot of protein. Those things should help you feel more full and add a bit more flavor to your meals. I know you said you ate more beans but if you haven't chickpeas are a great and versatile when creative. you can make really good mock meat with teff grains they are gluten free but I'm not sure if that would be okay, but its worth asking. Hope I was helpful.

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