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Matthew Cox is a former mortgage broker and fraudster who swindled over $11 million in mortgages and was sentenced to 26 years in federal prison. Today he is an author, writer, & podcaster.



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0:00 – Matt got married
4:24 – Being chased by Secret Service & FBI
28:08 – How Matt snitched on a Ponzi scheme kingpin for a 5 year sentence reduction
44:15 – Moral code & the art of being a snitch
52:55 – Matt’s rise to super stardom
55:12 – Matt’s Bodybuilding / Testosterone protocol
57:42 – Chinese microchip robbers of Silicon Valley
1:02:19 – China / Taiwan conflict
1:11:10 – Russia / Ukraine war
1:33:38 – Is America a late stage empire?
1:37:38 – When will we become a Type-2 civilization?
1:45:48 – Matt’s testosterone levels
2:05:50 – Pierre Rausini




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50 thoughts on “FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist Explains The Art of Being a Snitch | Matthew Cox

  1. This guy is a genius, and no, not the academic type of genius that CAN be learned, this is a human that was born with exceptional levels of intelligence and competence. What stands out to me about matt is the fact that he’s extremely psychologically intelligent and self aware, while also being traditionally intelligent. I’d bet he has an IQ well above 120.

  2. I really hope they are throwing matt some money for the clips and interviews I understand the first one but all these interviews and clips getting millions of views, you know koncrete is getting paid and matt isn't getting anything but exposure which is cool but damn.. charlston white won't even do an interview for less than 5k ..

  3. Matthew Cox is a cool enough guy and listening to him talk about his various exploits is super entertaining, but he should avoid talking about politics altogether.

  4. I think Danny does his best podcasts when he simply prompts his guests with questions and just lets them talk. Maybe I'm getting too old but Danny and his other buddy just sound too much like teens or dudes in their early 20's who know NOTHING about anything and it's hard to listen to. Too harsh? Sorry Danny, I do like the content bro, keep it up!

  5. 1:05:00 – How does China deal with a growing population? Well, ask yourself, why does china always have these viruses that de-populate so massively? Why do they have bio-weapon testing facilities? Connect the dots. China wants to de-populate specific people. Guess who C-VID effected? Old people. Who does china want gone? Old people…. Think about it.

  6. This POS criminal should have been made to do his full 28 years of his sentence!
    Working class Americans got fuked by paying for his crimes and thousands of other criminals like him and DJT!!

  7. BS DJT supporters! Fuk your communist views!! He's just a criminal who did time supporting another criminal!!
    He was guilty and supports white collar criminals like DJT!!
    He's still a fuking criminal getting back in the game!
    These criminals are dangerous!

  8. Matthew cox is a conservative but not an idiot like Danny! would want Russia in power just to screw the democrats 😂 Danny wants peace, but it is okay with Russia invading Ukraine because putin only wanted the Donbas region! Danny is a clown 🤡

  9. That’s the biggest load of misinformation I’ve ever heard on the Ukraine conflict. Ukraine have 500k dead soldiers & hundreds of thousands injured. Russia have under 100k dead. Second, Russia did NOT invade Ukraine. The USA staged a violent coup in 2014 & installed a neo Nazi puppet government. Russia is acting in self defence & liberating Ukraine.

  10. In China It’s the opposite. Way more women than men/ because China allowed one boy. So you could have kids until you had a boy. You could have 5 girls and keep having babies but if your first child was a boy you were done. Resulting in waaayyyy more girls than boys.

  11. Woody woodpecker says WAR!! I love this country.I would gladly offer my only child but, she has blue hair so, ill just handle them if they can hit our shore

  12. first of all you don't know if US isn't trying to negotiate a peace deal. They may be doing it and you just don't know. Second, Russia doesn't play by the same international rule. They will do what they want and been doing it for a long time now. You do not want Russia or China in a position of power because they will keep taking if we let them. GET that through your uninformed minds! god so frustrating to hear this kind of BS!

  13. Thank you!! That snitch code is so retarded. You mfs are the last ppl to be talking about morals. You literally went to prison because you lack morals.

  14. As a mortgage broker I can’t help but feel like this guy is the reason we have so many difficulties now ; not to mention the ballooning of false real estate values that this guy created.
    He’s everything wrong with the industry and in a larger part : capitalism.

  15. Hello mr mathew cox the married con man, his kids are still in his weepee, they will not inherit his artificial hairline mr mathew cox. but hello and love you mate keep it real mr cox mathew cox

  16. Danny, stop listening to a word johnny alite says. he is a fraud, conman and liar. he grew up in the neighborhood around guys but he was a nobody and never did any of the things he talks about. hes a story teller , a very creative one

  17. The side bitch , that makes pointless comments “mehhh, yeah , mmmmm, nice” kills the listening experience if you got something cool to add to the topic say something instead of sitting there ripping a vape saying a whole lot of nothing

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