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The soda business can sometimes be unforgiving when consumers keep their favorites or move on to a new flavor. In this video we will take a look at some of the discontinued sodas we want back!

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Rhetty for History
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Rhetty for History

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Rhetty for History

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38 thoughts on “Discontinued Sodas We Want Back!

  1. Rondo was called SOLO in Australia, same adds, the porn star moustach, sweaty, he man in the 4X4 and jungle scenes. I think Tab went on to be Diet Coke.

  2. I remember Pepsi Light with the lemon flavoring. I can’t remember if I liked it or not. lol I think I did! Yes, Crystal Pepsi! I loved it! But I could have sworn it was nicknamed Pepsi Clear at one time. Guess not. lol Never heard of the Hubba Bubba soda. Think I would have liked that along w the Aspen apple flavored soda. My grandmother loved Tab!

  3. I rember there was a soda a few years ago called Cactus Cooler, I seem to remember it was an orange/pineapple sorta flavor, or something like that.

  4. Mom's root beer, Dad's root beer, Nehi sodas, it has to be Shasta, remember the jingle, we had a type of soda, can't remember the name but it was Alka seltzer style tablets you dropped in a glass of water. Any one remember Can O Pop? Lemon/lime Teem.

  5. There's quite a few sodas that I miss from the old days:
    Dad's Old Fashioned Root Beer
    Virginia Dare ginger ale
    Canada Dry Lime Rickey
    Nestle Orange Soda
    Just to name a few

  6. And one more of my.most favorite flavors was WhiteRock soda Burch Beer. Tasted like rootbeer with wintergreen, which is the flavor of the east coast birch tree bark.

  7. When I used to visit family in Virginia when I was a youngster in the '70's and early 80's, we used to get Nehi (pronounced "knee high") soda. Their jingle was, "Splash a little Nehi!"

    Back in the '90's when I was in college, I found the unfortunately short-lived Skeleteen Sodas. They were more like novelty drinks, but I enjoyed having "D.O.A.," "Brainalyzer," "Rat Bastard," "Black Lemonade," "The King," "The Crow," and "Fukola Cola." Being a collector, I saved the bottles to prove they actually existed.

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