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let's do it on a convertible because it won't flip
That's ridonkulis.
Wow these kids are out of control…
Kinda of was hoping it would snap and slam into the wall.
That is disgustingly awesome
They could have used half the amount of spacers. Just silly to use that many. These dudes are smart they knew how much more stress that’s gunna put on shit
Looks like a spider
Goofy ahh car
when your car glitches a bit too much
Just use the space saving tyres
zach didnt want to do that…………..
Yah, but are the tires truly 100 years old??
Small boat with four wheels be like
The most normal JDM in ohio

Drift it bro
Use less spacers
Next do wooden Model T wheels
Those tires are definitely not 100 years old
Has Zac cut his hair since joining donut? ha
It's a typo in the video they said it was a model t and on the short it saids model a
Put 1940 Formula 1 wheels
Wheel bearings screaming for mercy lol
Try f1 tyries
Why do people bully the Miata so much
100 year old wheels the tires cam still be bought
Where did you find 2 foot bolts for that though
10 wheel spacers though

Would've ran fewer wheel spacers so it'd be less sketchy
If this isn't sketchy I don't know what is
The 17 wheel spacers
I’ve found that 5G internet makes a great lubricant
bro came straight from carX
The Amish be like…
That's one mighty fine
HorseBuggy !this reminds me of that dodge hellcat with those wheels meme
Spyder miata
Drift and you are sent to Jesus lol
America sucks
W drip
Of you listen closely you can hear the wheel bearing begging for mercy
Got about the same horsepower as the model A did
Looks like a frickin spider at a distance
What is this channel becoming?
Literally a Miata Spyder
What da
Oh no