Spiritbox announced they had withdrawn from the upcoming Falling In Reverse ‘Popular MonsTOUR’ this spring. Falling In Reverse recently released their single ‘Watch The World Burn’, which is their fastest rising song to date.
#fallinginreverse #spiritbox
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I'll go to their show, singer is hot and screams decent gutturals…
Good for Spiritbox!
Maybe she can spend the free time to lose some of the weight she gained over COVID and never lost

Remember the days when people had a spine?
who is spiritbox?
Saw spiritbox when they opened for ghost last yr and was absolutely bored to tears. Generic sound, terrible vocals (total fly leaf rip off) and zero energy onstage.
Popular monsters tour just seemed like a bad fit for em.
I don't think Falling is worthy of opening for Spiritbox so I'm fine with this.
Early Falling In Reverse was rad, then they became an absolute joke.
Just been and listened to spiritbox and theyre generic af not missing out
oh well they have a female frontMAN and probably osund shi tin compariosson to FIR anyways
Good! Bye!
I’m so, so confused. What exactly was there to hate on in regards to Spiritbox being part of the lineup? Is there something I’m missing here? Is there some backstory that I don’t know about?
Because in regards to sound, aesthetic and relevance, I do not see how Spiritbox is any less relevant to Falling In Reverse than Slaughter To Prevail. I literally don’t get it. Someone please explain
Ahhh yes. The age of the internet. The glorious place where if you behave like a spoiled toddler, screaming and kicking, you get what you want. Shameful display by those spiritbox fans, who i am certain, are just a small fraction of their fanbase.
I dont like Ronnie but spiritbox caving into some of their fan's whining and canceling the tour is so stupid. Especially since they initially were fine with being on the tour. Have a bit of consistency, don't fold in half by people who probably don't even go to your shows anyways. Going on the tour doesn't automatically mean you agree with everything he has done in life.
Proves Ronnie's point even further. Can't believe spiritbox caved over senseless drama. Lost respect for them.
Fuck what people think. Spiritbox should’ve stuck with the tour.
Well thank you Spiritbox for proving your a bunch of cancel culture caving cowards. Ill be sure to recommend to as many people as possible not to listen to you music. Afterall cancelling because wahhhh is cool right?
Fuck the snowflakes!
So cry babies got their way? If people complain about line ups with no justification then LET THEM STOP BEING FANS AND MAKE NEW ONES AT THE SHOW.
Bad move
Pretty sad we live in a world now where tours aren't even allowed to happen. If they were opening here on the east coast, I would've been LIVID to hear they dropped off bc of some braindead fans. Also, its hilarious to me how anyone could be against Ronnie radke and still call themselves fans of this genre/scene. LEAVE if you're going to disrespect a legend like that. and how come it's ok for SB to be friends with tilian, a PROVEN, ACTUAL creep?
I’m glad this spirtbox trash makes it so easy to not pay attention to them. Went to see ghost last summer and they opened. Didn’t even make through one song before we all went to get drinks and merch. Absolute garbage.
Falling in reverse sucks anyways who cares
You basically just explained the reason they left. Its because of their future tours. Money makes everyone a slave
Good, spirit box is dumpster fire and are clearly soft AF if they drop off tour from social media cancel culture death squad drama

ok, bye.
Good…Spiritbox doesnt need to rely on being "controversial" to make money and gain popularity. Radke recently portayed himself as a laser eyed antichrist despite his musical ability to get attention which is sad. Rivaling the likes of Sam Smith in a devil worship music video. Controversey is cheap and a terrible long term buisness plan.
Spiritbox…there's one box in that band worth watching
im so unbelievably excited to see FIR, INK, AND STP all in the same show. mixed genre tours should be more of a thing. lorna can open for bmth and spite can open for wage war with nothing nowhere but spiritbox opening for FIR is where fans draw the line??
Just STFU and go and enjoy the show. People are weird.
I don't understand. Spiritbox touring with Falling In Reverse doesn't sound like a bad idea. I like the idea. I guess what I'm trying to firgure out here is what is the drama between Spiritbox and Falling In Reverse. As far as I can see, I don't see any reason they should be against each other. I would like to know the root cause behind this decision. It doesn't feel to me like any of my questions have been answered by what I've seen up to this point. m/
This is the first time I think my shitty little garbage town was mentioned in a video
Well, it would have never been an issue in festivals of our time. Punk, rock, electro, metal were co-lining defining what "inclusive" and "diversity" really was.
I rather feel "happy camper" than crybaby. Yes, you can say "ok boomer !" I'm actually an X.
I barely discovered Spiritbox last week, they're awesome, definitely on my list for concert.
Stay strong, stay free !
This hurts spiritbox in the end, stupid snowflake crybabies who claim to be fans just took money out of the pockets of their band they supposedly support
Are these social media fans planning to reimburse Spiritbox for the lost of income?
This is crazy to me.
When you apologize for not doing anything wrong, you've lost. Stick to your guns and the people who aren't worthless sacks of flesh will respect it.
The only reason that tours selling is alex, evgeny and the gang. Seeing slaughter to prevail live is something i thought wouldnt happen for at least 4 more years.
I'm out of the loop. What did Ronnie do now besides being insanely talented and keeping rock alive? Enlighten me
To play knotfest Australia
Good on Spiritbox. Ronnie’s Transphobia should be combated and contested
whether you like it or not Spiritbox is walking on thin ice when your small part of your fanbase is dictating what you should and shouldn't do because the more they do this they'll attract bunch of similar snowflakes that will make it harder to be a part of something. some kids act so privileged they are going it is either my way or there's no other way.
I’d rather see our last night anyways

Social media is a parasite. I wish they didnt cave because of keyboard warriors that have no accountability for what they say. Before twitter and all this BS you say something and get punched in the mouth to learn a lesson. Now you can hide in plain sight and get attention. Its sad honestly
Wait were the fans against them joining because they don't like Spiritbox or don't like FIR?