Mario Bastunetti tells the story of how he escaped Bulgaria, and was eventually smuggled into the United States.
Spotify –
Apple –
0:00 – Growing up in Communism
10:25 – Propaganda, Berlin Wall coming down
18:57 – Joining Bulgarian military
23:24 – Escaping Bulgaria
47:38 – Getting political asylum in Canada
53:20 – Carwash drug operation
56:52 – The King of Angola’s son
1:06:44 – Being smuggled into the United States
1:30:41 – Florida
1:39:46 – Witch doctor
1:46:28 – Deported by Clinton
2:06:03. – Mafia / corruption
2:19:49 – Arlen Specter
2:25:22 – Putin
2:33:36 – Flat Earth debate
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I 100% get and understand how the average person could fall into the FE trap. Its cool and fun and when u dont understand the math or sceince it does seem very plausible. None of us been up in space and everyone knows the government lies. If you take away the belief of wanting it to be flat and actually do the real research its very easily debunked. The problem is once your down that FE rabbit hole you discount anything that goes against the belief system u have just become indoctrinated into. Its sad ppl claiming to fight cult mentality and indoctrination have become targerts of the very same tactics. Freaking psyops have infected every aspect of our society.
This guy kinda sounded smart until he started talking about "flat earth"

There are gems here and there, but he mostly sounded like every other redditer.
Never trust a Bulgar. Many Bulgarians have an uncontrollable desire to claim everything as being Bulgarian.
I was soaking up what Mario said about putin, until he talked with equal conviction about NASA, space and round earth being a hoax.
He was talking about "CS" gas, and it is done in the US military too. Actually 2-4 times a year when gearing up for deployment. His military experience is nothing unexpected. Especially for living in an Eastern block country during the Cold War.
video even got fact checked lol
This guy with the flat earth theory… in the bin
every flat Earther just says the same stuff that has been debunked for years, cannot beleive he actually brought up the Nikon 9100 and fish eye lenses when he has no idea how optics even work. Hilarious
Nothing's gonna convince me that the Earth is flat, but I like the way that he argues for it. Would love to see him on again.
Haha putin is a good guy and the earth is flat! sounds legit
congratulations you’ve had the most ignorant brainless imbecile on in the history of podcasting
this guy was great! "I had a monkey driving a taxi cab…" lmfao …. "what about that Red Hot Chili Pepper song? Hahahahaha… "I rather believe Dave Matthews than Anthony Fauci," hahahaha…. epic…..
it really opened up after 2:40:00
Stupid a$$ flat earth theory .
its sad how many people subscribe to that idiocy!
I haven't been convinced on Flat Earth either but Danny was sure looking like a sheep for a moment lol
This guys a freaking idiot believing flat earth. As a Air Force veteran I’ve seen the curve also, how does he explain seasons and eclipses. Also there’s a place with such long amount of power lines you can see the curve. It’s embarrassing for him quoting the Bible like it’s truth yet forgets prior to that being handpicked and written ancient peoples already knew the earth was a sphere. How does flat earth allow a sundial to work?
This guy is a fucking loser. Fleed the soviet union to go to the US and hes praising Putin and the Russians. Gtfo
We been on this planet for 100k years way before a religion. He keep contradicts his self. The man is a comedian

This is the result of being a sheep. This man believes a book a man written

This man doesn’t make any sense. And I have a Nikon p900 and same thing happens
He discredited this guy real fast.

flat earthers always wanna argue with any proof. You should’ve ask him where does astroids come from. No answer at. 
God is not real Demi gods maybe
This was interesting until we got into flat earth theory.
You can see satellites in the sky at night… How does GPS work??
Hahahahaha the host is soooo stupid!!! and the guest's face is like, "oh my god, what a stupid guy…". IGNORANT HOST: You're a sold puppet? How the hell you ask "do you have proofs?" when you even don't know there are a bunch of proofs about the moon topic hoax!!!! YOU FIRST GO TO GET INFORMATION, INVESTIGATE AND GET A BRAIN TO THINK, YOU'RE SOOOOOO BRAINLESS……
Holy sh….t the host is so stupid and ignorant!!!!! How the hell is it possible he ask many stupid questions, he doesn't know basic knowledge to manage this kind of podcasts!!!!! My God, SO DISAPPOINTING!!!!!!
The atmosphere is filled with heavy gasses, pulled to the earth by gravity. The vacuum exists outside the area where gravity is strong enough to pull the gasses toward the earth.
Great interview! I wish I could help him understand the flat earth truth. It’s funny to see those who don’t understand when they’re confronted with simple thought exercises.
They said when Russians would get back from space they could barely walk but yet our astronauts could walk just fine. So they're arguing that America never went to the Moon based on that evidence. That came from a Russian scientist who was investigating the American moon landing
I love this guy.
He lost me on the earth is flat shit. Really enjoyed until he thinks the earth is flat. Anyone who is convinced of that you could sell them sand in Sahara.
Never heard of this guy but anyone still stuck on flat earth like he is discredits everything he says.
Gotta say I’m a fan of the podcast but the guy who does the interview is kinda of a Dick to this guy.
Oh wait… all the sudden the earth became flat 600 years ago
Jesus… this show went off the end of the ramp
He drink lot… make up big stories with jokes about the Dave Mathew’s band..
but, I’d rather believe Dave Mathew’s and Flat Earthers.. ya know….. for the money
This guy is drunk!
Had to pause it where he is talking about a house in the mountains' not needing material things" I can relate, on the thought of it anyway, sounds really nice.
I was totally enjoying this until he came up with his stupid flat earth argument!!
Really enjoyed this up until the lack of education and the whole flat earth discussion. Never again. Sad.
Flat Earth* wiw
I’m just here for the flat earth chat
Поздрави от Българин в Германия. -means Regards from a Bulgarian in Germany
There is a ballistic effect that shows there is a difference from shooting east or shooting west, just a rifle, that shows you your own eyes that the earth rotates. Model rockets appear to curve because of rotation, in fact the model rocket is going straight.
I seen proof of satellites, seen proof the earth is round with my own eyes. I believe everything told that can't be seen could be total nonsence. Our democracy is totally fixed not literally fixing the vote count directly, but controlling the info fed to the voter is the control of the election. I think the electoral process derailed with Trump, but I bet the 6th grader was right about all presidents except Trump were related by blood. Probably true
I love this guy and his outlook on life. I like how he says if you worry too much then all those things you worry about happens but if your excited then all exciting things happen. Simple but true outlook on life. Thanks so much knoledge. How can i hear more about this guy?