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He’s not just the lead singer of Korn, he’s one of my favorite dudes ever!
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28 thoughts on “Jonathan Davis – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #22

  1. No crowd moves in unified waves lke a korn crowd. Best music experience of my lfe watching my favourite band korn at download. Since then my sons been with his gf twice, theyre her favourite too.

  2. Did Jon have unruly crowds? I was in the Stoned Pony 1996 right when the released the first album…..they played the open for 45 minutes straight, the Blind beginning….eventually Jonathon comes with, "ARE YOU READYYYYYY?!!" THE PLACE ABSOLUTELY EXPLODED, INSANE!!!

  3. Steve-o doesn't have the right , ethically to say anything about what the dude needs while dragging his daughter into it for the narrative of his show to get a clip. … And it is true, as Bam said, he doesn't have the right, ethically, to sell skateboards. He's not a pro skater, and Hollywood sell-out Knoxville doesn't even skate.

  4. A close friend & his band toured with Korn & he said there’s no band that’s ever treated them worse than the members of Korn.

    They wouldn’t even share the catered food that was supposed to be for both bands & crew. Sometimes they’d lock the door to keep everyone away & when they’d finally open the door all of the food would be gone & sometimes they found tons of food in the garbage cans.

    This was in Eastern Europe too so they couldn’t just run out to grab food, so they’d just not eat.

    He said that Korn openly enjoyed treating them terrible & prided themselves in it.

  5. Maaaaaaaaaaan! I started playing bagpipes cos of koRn's influence + portuguese folk influence… Our northeastern bagpipes only have one drone…but yep, it's a freaking hard instrument! KoRn is just now turning 30!!!! I'm so freaking old… Still a freak though!
    (But I'm only turning 37… 😏)

  6. OK, so I love Steve O in the sense that he stands up for animal rights and he’s just an all-around good guy… But I don’t normally listen to him speak. This is hard to get through. What is wrong with his voice? If it wasn’t that I was so in love with Jonathan Davis, I might not be able to take it. No disrespect intended… I have misophonia (I now know there is an actual word for it.)

  7. Jonathan Davis and Korn as a whole has been an entire huge part of my life since their first album dropped in 1993, I'm 40 years old and if anybody ever asks me who my favorite band is I always give one response, Korn. I am a huge very huge music fan and I have forgotten more about rock music than most people will ever know in their lives. I started playing the guitar because of munky and head, and in my recovery from drugs and alcohol Brian Welch has been a huge inspiration for me because I became a Christian. If there was one person I could ever meet face to face it would be Jonathan Davis

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