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Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 “Said he cut the end of a bike pump and taped them together to fill up his tire.” The customer had used a fire extinguisher to fill up his tire as he had a leak. The shop repaired the tire and filled it with air. Fixed the customer’s concern.
0:16 Sounds like Pac-Man! “The dew wipes on the new window tint were causing the noise.”
0:23 As mentioned the customer installed both similar water pump gaskets in the same spot. That’s why it was still leaking coolant.
0:38 “Guy came in for a steer tire balance and grease front end. I just so happen to be walking around the truck looking for something and I look down and see something odd. So I take a closer look and I see that. I asked the fella, you sure you only want this steer tire balance and grease.. he says yeah man that’s it. Then I show him that, and he then he says “Oh crap I thought I heard something earlier” and then asks if it’ll be alright till he makes it back home one state over..”
0:50 After the floorboard the customer didn’t shut off the truck and tried to drive afterwards and burnt up the transmission.
1:00 No extra info.
1:13 Somebody must have needed the same door!
1:25 Silly kids but fortunately an inexpensive repair!
1:35 Nissan Pathfinder. Also needed wheel bearings, ball joints, and tie rod ends.
1:44 Ford declined warranty as they said the truck was “abused”.
2:01 Noise from power running boards. I believe there is a TSB (technical service bulletin) for this issue as it’s pretty common.
2:10 Vehicle was a Camaro (did not mention year). But her father should no longer be working on vehicles after this one.
2:30 “If I recall it was a lifted rocky ridge Sierra customer claims all that just happened driving down the road. I call bull but I fixed it under warranty.”
2:41 No extra info from the person who filmed this, but what a mess!
3:12 The technician could not duplicate the front-end noise.
3:24 “1955 Chevrolet Cameo custom with a 409”
3:33 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys had a great weekend! Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
How did he manage to pump up tyre with fire extinguisher? I’m amazed, actually.
I am just waiting for the customer with rattling sounds to have a car full of rattlesnakes.
Honestly I’m kinda impressed that someone managed to fill a tire with a fire extinguisher…
That person SHOULD be a Genius ….
Thats not even remotely possible
imagine breaking the window – and then stealing the same door with said broken window – wow.
of course 2:50 is a Nissan
big altima energy
I figured you guys had seen it all quite a while ago. I was wrong again
how do you even fill it with a fire exstinguisher? im not even mad im impressed
I know for sure that
my dog could do a better wiring job than that with his eyes closed.
Edit: I had some mixed up audio settings, sorry for my comments and confusion. I do apologize.
Also at 2:59… I'm sorry but have you never met a vehicle that requires 1.21 gigawatts to power the flux capacitor? I question your credentials.
Is it me or that wiring job also include what looks like a Flux Capacitor from back to the future? lol
Fire extinguisher to fill a tire….
Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t trust this guy to do anything and what is in the backseat did he steal the flux capacitor from the DeLorean?

Comment about the window, Pac-Man revisited, 2023 !
Last clip:
Why are you hauling that many drums around?!
HOW THE FACK do they allow to theses owners to drive off with cars like that!
Guy walked into the hardware store, over guessed how much wire he would need, and never bothered trimming to fit. Get some wire cutters, man!
That Nissan Leaf has a Flux Capacitor

It takes a lot of wire to add a Flux Capacitor. But could the Nissan make it to 88 mph?
Do you think foreign nations see this type of stupidity and wonder how hard it would be to take over North America?
you do NOT fill a tire with anything but AIR!!!! dummyhead!
DON'T repair your own car Let the professionals do it!
My god, that guy who fixed the brakes with fish-tank air line couldn't have made a better job of trying to kill his daughter if he'd shot her. What an absolute tool! I can't understand how someone who even knows what brake lines are, or where to connect them, could even have considered doing this!
Some people don't need an oil change, they just need a bus pass
With the custom wiring jobs as in this video, I can't imagine that the owners took a good hard look on what they managed to achieve, and think to themselves: "Damn, this is sweet. I've done good."
I can’t with some of these. Fuel hose brake lines, why didnt I think of that?!
0:58 What exactly are you hunting if your ammo can pierce multiple layers of metal like this? Godzilla?
im more concerned with HOW they used a fire extinguisher to fill a tire…
That electric wiring car. I’d decline all work. Damn fire hazard. If car burst into flames he could claim was you and you’d be hard pressed to prove otherwise.
0:45 are daily checks bit a requirement in USA? Here people would got fined or lost their licence long before it got that bad
The deer thought it was safe to hide UNDER the truck, but under estimated the hunter's determination. Missed him by that much…
If you refill a tire with a fire extinguisher you need your license taken away until you can tell your Fs from your Ts.
3:20 can’t make this sht up
Am I the only one that thinks that door was full of drugs or money
A primer on how to install a car stereo with unlimited wire but no wire cutters.
Worn tires so they wont fix 2 differentials thats insurance for you
1:36 I've had a control arm snap on me while I was going to take it in to get the control arm repaired supposedly under warranty. Never happened and had to get rid of the car. Good luck to those people when it snaps and they either have thousands in repairs or have to find a new car!
I fuckin hate people.
Not everyone is a master mechanic but how can you survive into adulthood without any logic or common sense
Cars with bullet holes? Only in America. @0:50 Hunting trip? In my country not possible. Hunter is a job here. @1:00 i hope that the shooting driver goes to the jail. He is the REAL danger.
Filled a tire with a fire extinguisher…HOW?!
That semi driver was probably a somolian. I can't figure out how they get a CDL
so that ford excuse that the truck was abused seems sketchy to me. it's supposed to be a tough truck for off road use as well. then the idiot who used aquarium tubing for brake lines????? how clueless are you. i mean you knew enough to id the brake lines so should know that aquarium tubing is crazy.
The window sounding like a video game only gets half credit since they didn't specify which game …
The guy who shot his car should be required to get the grill mounted in his trophy room.
And have to tell EVERYONE who goes there why.