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Trap Lore Ross

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Trap Lore Ross

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44 thoughts on “Where’s The $2m Wu-Tang Album?

  1. Absolutely ridiculous that it was a CD and not a record. I'll be very surprised if it even lasts 50 years without corrupting, getting scratched or just getting ripped and leaked. They put that record on Voyager for a reason, all you need to do is spin it, aliens won't need the accompanying tech and decoders to turn it into sound.

    Make it a record made out of whatever masters are made out of – aluminum plate covered in a thick coat of lacquer. Not sure if that can be played, but in any case you could afford to make it sturdier than standard vinyl too.

  2. Anyone who can pull the journalist sent to write a story about your downfall whilst behind bars, causing her to leave her husband and kids in the process, then par her off soon as he gets released, is an absolute beast in my book. A heartless homewrecker, but a complete legend none the less!

  3. Shkreli was finessing insurance companies like the rest of big pharma if you needed any of his meds you could have called him he would send it to you for free.

  4. I know TLR isn’t up to date on politics or probably doesn’t give af about it at all but Martin Shkreli’s “justification” for raising the price is complete bs. When he talks about how he wants to hit the insurance companies because they’re the ones with the deep pockets, that’s ridiculous as those companies are structured so that they retain those “deep pockets” and they can simply cancel your plan if there is a drug increase like the one he created, and also the “programs” he’s talking about to get the pill at the reduced price is extremely hard to get approved for, making this move that Martin did an extremely dangerous precedent for drug companies (glad he got caught but damage is still done and multiple CEO’s still doing the same move they just don’t tweet all day and buy Wu-tang albums to stay out of headlines) there is a reason why there is no healthcare in America and it is shown through situations like this but most people will buy into the BS that Martin is talking about until you have family members in which it actually happens to and you see the damage it can take on them. When you see a family member have to suffer through physical health problems only to be attacked finically to the point where it effects more family members, it’s disgusting and I hope people like Martin Shkreli get buried underneath the prisons

    Edit: I know this is a fun video but this is a personal sore spot for me and couldn’t let TLR get fooled into thinking what Martins saying is facts by any means

  5. rill talk… we gon have copies b4 88yrs. ofc when we do, it will still be a viral blip, which will essentially still shake out to be a finesse due to the buzz.

  6. I always assumed Shkreli was a heartless bastard but it turns out the only reason he was arrested and put on blast was because he figured out the game and started winning. The government throws the book at any private civilian who figures out how to out play the system and profit. It’s like being arrested for selling cigarettes from Virginia in New York on a bigger scale, since the government can’t get its piece of YOUR or in this case Shkreli’s profits, it’s illegal. That’s 100% of the reason Shkreli was slandered by major media. They painted him as a greedy douchebag which mayve been true, but, the reason he was being painted as a greedy douchebag to the masses is because he made the government mad with his innovative loophole for capitalism. I don’t like Martin, don’t get me wrong, however, you can’t punish a man who manipulated capitalism better than the elitists who manipulate it every day and have been for decades.

  7. In 88 years this album could appreciate greatly. Imagine 88 years from now, songs release on all streaming platforms or whatever the technology they’ll be using by then. Our grandkids could happen to love it and if their estate is smart enough to market it right at that time. This could very well be a genius move. Only time will tell!

  8. Leave it to a moron like Rza to be influenced by Bill Maher. LMAO and RZas dumbass just buys it hook line and sinker. It's just like politics, do a dance throw some money and idiots follow. Drug dealers talking shit about someone doing it legally. Bro fuck RZA he did the same thing with this DOG SHIT ALBUM.

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