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In today’s episode, we look at the life, philosophy and legacy of Sam Altman, the man behind OpenAI. I started covering OpenAI back in 2017. Even back then, right out of the gate, they were achieving breakthroughs. Only time will tell if Sam ends up being a hero or villan, but one thing is for sure: his company has certainly shaken things up.

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46 thoughts on “Investigating Open AI’s Origins and Sam Altman

  1. I get a strong Elizabeth Holmes vibes with this guy. And my gut never fails

    He was placed by YC as CEO of openai to profit from all the companies using their model

  2. i feel rather surprised that you didn't at all mention UBI, because this seems to be at the top of his (socio-political) list of motivations. so, i would think "worldcoin" & sam's robotics investment(s) would be worth including here…(not to mention his interview with lex fridman) as well as sam's overall buddhist mindset/convictions).

  3. A.I is no match for human nature, it will be controlled by the wealthy at the detriment and exploitation of the rest of the species as happens with everything.
    Unfortunately profit and greed will override any shallow platitudes of assisting humanity. Yes there will be breakthroughs in science and medicine but the negative aspect of all this will far outweigh the positive.

  4. Being an avid supporter of Open Source, I find Microsoft's involvement alarming.
    I'm forever grateful to Chester Norman Dupont who remains consistent with delivering returns on my investments in the financial markets which have been principal for my finances.

  5. You say he's not like Elizabeth Holmes but I see lots of similarities (power hungry, good at selling ideas). Also with Sam Bankman-Fried. We'll see what you say about him in a year or two if AI turns to be a bubble ripe with fraud like all others.

  6. your opening instrumentals for nostalgia dreams is preety cool, you should upload it to your music channel I bet its awesome for studying as all your tracks are 🙂

  7. The fact that Altman is into doomsday prepping should just tell you everything you need to know. If this tech doesn’t terrify you, idk what to tell you. Naomi Klein recently wrote an excellent article on the horrific implications of this tech that go beyond the usual Skynet-esque predictions

  8. Humans respond like they always have.
    The escalator could make us go up the stairs faster. Humans stand still.
    The car allowed us to travel fater and further. Humans take the car for walking distances.
    Social media allowed uso be more social than ever. Humans have never been lonelier before.
    Ai will allow us tobe smarter and more efficient than ever. So humans will become dumber and do less.

    Besides that, where is the whole environmental discussion that comes with running these models?

  9. A. I. is nothing more than a collections of real humans knowledge and intelligence and observation over many centuries. Put into a database. On average people on us 10% of their brain capacity. Use your brain and don’t depend on A. I. If you don’t use it you will lose it.

  10. Am in a bad mood today another one of my friends killed himself last night that’s 12 in 2 years and I live in a place with a population of 16,000 so I’ve had enough of all the bs

  11. Musk creates dog coin to fund his projects robbing the public with a made up coin open your eyes you idiots , he cashed out billions of coins he gave himself for free , it wouldn’t surprise me if he has any money in reality loads on paper throu collateral

  12. All Elon musk’s companies would be bankrupt if it’s wasn’t for the taxpayers in each county his businesses are located throu subsidiary’s check yourself private companies with shareholders funded by the taxpayers unbelievable, I used to like him until I realised he’s just a stooge. Like the rest

  13. This is my own idea on AI

    After watching documentary about ten years ago called alpha go the worlds best go player against AI , they put 100,000 of the best go games into the computer and let it play , obviously the AI won , AI ain’t dangerous it’s the people controlling it they are conditioning the public to fear it

    If you read 100 books you could make a book out of the information you’ve just read

    That’s my theory and my opinion

  14. Calling him the father of (or the man behind) AI in any sense is meaningless, I study the field, there is no secret spice or recipe inwhat they did. They just scaled available technology without stopping for a seccond to assess risks, and they are celebrated.

  15. I learned more from what you didn't tell me about him than what you did. I'll wait for the conspiracy theories to get a better picture.

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