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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
1st clip (check out his channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@KnDAutomotive247
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The upper and lower ball joints on both sides had a lot of play as well. The technician mentioned to the customer their vehicle was not safe to drive and is dangerous to himself and others on the road. From what the technician said it seemed like the customer didn’t really care. Will give you guy’s an update if I hear anything back about this one.
0:39 The technician said he thinks the truck must have been sitting for a while to get this rusty, but as mentioned his shop refused to work on it as it should not be driven on the roads in this condition.
0:53 The technician mentioned he was surprised that anybody would take the time to do this as it only costs around $25 for a new outer tie rod end and it would take a while to drill a hole through the shaft of the outer tie rod end. Ideally, It’s supposed to have a castle nut and cotter pin installed.
The shop is not sure who did the work as well.
1:08 No extra info.
1:22 No issues found, normal condition. They mentioned to the customer that “When the engine cools down completely and exhaust gasses exit the combustion chamber, condensation of water and carbon dioxide can be noticed much more, and in a moment like this, you notice water dripping from your car’s exhaust pipe.”
1:30 The technician said in almost 30 years of being a technician he has never seen this happen!
“2015 SCrew F150. Right rear, under the scuff plate. Mice chewed the crap out of the harness.”
1:44 It would have made more sense to pick up a new battery and just installed it.
1:55 Rubber hose/fuel line should NEVER be used to repair brake lines. Use what’s recommended by the manufacturer or replace the brake lines.
This will cause air in the brake system, and brake fluid to leak out.
2:01 The technician said the vehicle didn’t brake too well and he thinks it was in an accident at some point and the previous owner just got used parts from a scrap yard to make it work. They also mentioned “more travel in the pedal due to the different volume of fluid going to each side…. they use a different valve or master on cars with drums on the rear to compensate for it normally….all I gotta say is wow…”
2:14 The camera “eyesight system” for the lane keep assist is right behind the sticker on the windshield. It was removed and the fault went away.
2:19 The technician said the customer is getting their insurance company involved as they now want a new engine installed.
2:32 As mentioned the technician thinks they used an engine from a 2WD model or possibly a different model of Dodge which has a different oil pan. So to make it fit they smashed the oil pan to get over the cross member. The technician isn’t sure what “other shop” apparently did this and why they didn’t go back to that shop.
2:47 No extra info.
3:01 No extra info.
3:17 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hey guys! Hope you had a great Easter and weekend.
I'm sick at the moment so sorry if I sound different. Seems to be a nasty cold going around!
You can also submit clips that you personally filmed on our website at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
The fire two cars, garages should be legally obligated to impound such vehicles to prevent their idiot owners from driving them on the road.
I sometimes don’t see what’s wrong before you move onto the next problem. It’s not obvious unless you are a mechanic.
The drum/disc on the rear is most impressive.
Some people clearly should not have the right to drive nor own a vehicle.
0:40 Gullwing Ford pickup???
I wish they had away to report vehicle as unsafe to the dmv to make them fix it
Any rollover crash that truck gets involved with, it will collapse the passenger compartment as the weight of the frame squishes that rusted body. There is NO support in that pillar, it won't handle any weight if flipped over.
Figuratively.. almost literally a death trap to drive.
In New Zealand we have an annual safety inspection, thank god. Most of this worn out crap would have been sent to the shredder and turned into new reinforcing steel long ago in NZ. And no, in nearly 60 years of working on cars, I've never seen that tie rod bolt trick. You'd be charged by the Police here if that came apart and someone was killed or injured.
Dumb enough to buy a jeep, dumb enough to tow with sheet metal
you have to fix yourself or the shop will chop your legs and arms off on site for payment
2:05 how in the world ….?
That Buick Special is BEAUTIFUL. I love how they did the lights, it’s an ultra-modern touch without messing with the classic look
I don't get it. They bodge the frame rails by welding a bit of re-bar to it and wire up the front end to hold the broken joints together, then bring it in to a shop to have the oil changed. All those first things you should never DIY like that, whereas an oil change could be done by a monkey if you handed him a spanner and pointed to the drain plug. I can't even…
Ok so th rest of these are funny but the bpillar rusted out not safe to drive, smh. Itll be fine
These are adults. You would think by now they would know to stop trying to fix stuff.
It's amazing how stupid some people can be with their vehicles.
that straight eight is BADD ARSE, we had a 48 Pontiac straight 8 sled just like that one, a mild forest green, cars just cannot go down the road much better than these old sleds,,, they had for real couches for seats, then the ride itself, very quiet and comfy, plus there is room to start a family in the back seat, or at least try real hard..
I had a customer who would "fix" his own truck by ripping parts, wires and hoses off. A lot of times he would literally rip out the last work i did. I refused to work on it after a while.
Man, these videos hurt to watch, but they are like a train smash, I can't look away
1:42 *mice
A fuckin STRAIGHT 8? That is sick, I wonder how a solid inline 8 would handle boost. I assume very well, depending on the specific engine
Customer states they want gay sex
Water leaking out of the pipe is a byproduct of an effective catalytic converter. That’s a good thing. 1:30
Pretty common the problem with rusty underfloor and chassis up there. Is it because of the snow/salt combo? Or is the decline in the quality of the vehicles? Maybe bad owners? No irony above. I’m just curious.
Bro did anyone told you how soothing your voice is..
Everytime I watch this channel im either burying my face into my hands or staring in horrid fascination.
You're an idiot if you think your car is perfect low it is not it just looks cool same with the rims here's a key you can still do that but there's a limit Do not drop your car as low as you can tune based on performance you can have a decent sized rims has to be more than an inch the limit is an inch your car needs room for the tires to go up and down that's why you can't drop it too low and then don't forget if you drop it too low you're driving a sand grinder
it sickens me to no end when you see someone not changing their oil and when you pop the cover you see the oil has changed from a liquid to a solid.
This is why I am actually grateful my state has vehicle inspections
They walk among us….
Had me at the "vertical scissor doors" !! HAAAAA !! wow… That sucker just lifted right up !!
I'm not even a mechanic and some of these make my head want to explode….
These are also the same people who complain about state inspections as its government overreach. . . Lmao ummm no its to keep this kinda of shit off the road. Clearly people can't be trusted.
Damn. I don't know a lot about autos, but even I know a lot of these cases are ridiculous.
How did he mess up installing fuel injectors??
Would’ve loved to see that guy bash that oil pan into submission. “You’re going in there you fucker!!”
That otherworldly looking Buick
Haven't you Guys seen an old farm truck before Our old farm truck If you took away all the bailing wire you wouldn't have a truck Those trucks we're running and working that way For a long time