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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 “Thought it was an electrical issue. I confirmed on a test drive that the transmission slammed so hard into gear it would knock your breath out. I checked the fluid first and saw it was full of strawberry milk like it had been in a flood. Then turned KOEO and hit the washer pump switch and heard it pumping. The fluid was full. Checked the hoses and found the pump hose going straight into the transmission vent. The customer said her husband found the pump hose sitting in the engine bay and figured the trans vent was where it belonged. He was badly incorrect. The transmission got replaced.”
0:36 The technician and customer are not sure how the golf ball got there. Maybe it was a prank?
0:44 Front seats, rear seats, and rear door panels were all damaged by the customer’s dogs. The technician said he’s not sure how the customer somehow got approved by Ford/Lincoln to get this all replaced for free.
0:57 The ABS sensor wires were damaged as they were not properly secured and just dangling. The Allen bolts are supposed to be installed from the top as well.
1:17 Bungee cord attached to handle of the emergency release handle.
1:26 The technician found out that the customer had apparently fallen asleep behind the wheel. Luckily no injuries and the customer got very close!
1:33 No extra info.
1:43 The mechanic said he thinks the whole body kit was made out of Bondo, but as mentioned his shop couldn’t do the oil change or install new tires as it was too low.
1:53 The technician cleaned up the fuel mess and resecured the jerry cans. He mentioned they charged the customer .5 for this.
1:58 “There should’ve been approx 2L of fluid in it except it was a dry paste instead. Our theory was that the clutch pack soaked it up when it exploded OR a quick lube shop accidentally drained it. The repair ended up being something like 7 grand, most of that was the t-case since they come from JLR only.”
2:07 The truck ended up getting parted out as the frame was found to be bent after the accident.
2:18 Rubber part of the transmission cooler line was somehow twisted by the customer. The technician said they also installed new fuel lines and they weren’t a mess as well.
2:27 This truck did not come in for any issue related to the rust/floor.
2:44 No extra info.
2:52 The technician mentioned he saw an interior like this and was unsure why it was all cut up and missing a ton of stuff.
3:00 Only came in for an issue with the rear brakes. The customer got the strut mounts replaced as well.
3:08 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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35 thoughts on “Customer States Her Husband Looked At Her Car & Now It Has Issues

  1. Thank goodness I live in a country where a garage can forbid a car to be driven (it can be towed), report it and any idiot who does drive it can get a $3000 fine, points on his licence or have it seized. Cars as bad as these should not be on the road as well as their owners.

  2. Are drivers even trying to avoid hitting anything anymore?
    Driver: Is that a Yak? I have AWD on my Mercedes so I should clear it.
    Next day at the shop: After we pulled out the yak bones, we noticed the gas tank is cracked, subframe busted, exhaust pipe is leaking and the oil pan is broken and has no oil, should we repair it?
    Driver: Nah.

  3. I am so glad in the UK we have mandatory yearly inspections that must pass otherwise the car is no longer allowed on the road. The car with the foot well rotted out, would have failed in the UK long before reaching that level of rot.

  4. How does Lincoln justify the warranty replacement of interior parts from a stupid owners dog destroying it!
    That’s bull 💩when other owners don’t get special treatment like that

  5. My dad's old Ford Falcon had Flintstones floor panels. We hooked up our camper and tried to go on vacation. When we got about 15 feet down the driveway the car broke across the middle.

  6. the car with the wrecked interior kinda makes me feel bad. dogs don't just go postal on everthing within their reach because they feel like it, they only really do that when they're heavily stressed. what probably happened is that the driver left the dog in the car for many, many hours on end. terrible.

  7. Same model E90, the blue bmw, I believe I was doing a subframe removal for an oil pan gasket and the strut mount failed and nearly wacked me in the head. scared the hell out of me and from there on out I always removed the front wheels

  8. Good Lord, You Guys have seen some bizarre things done by customers.!! My 1st time seeing your video, and I bet with all that you’ve seen, Y’all could probably write 20 books on the subject.!!😜🤪

  9. The US must have pretty obliging manufacturers, Here in Oz the car owner would've cracked up the whole place laughing with a request like that. Here you're lucky to get a genuine warranty OK'ed.

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