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Apology video-
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Florida v. Jardines-
Cupp v. Smith-
Powell v. State-
Suisun City Police Department Policy Manual-
City of Houston v. Hill-
Cady v. Dombrowski-
Caniglia v. Strom-
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average us cop: sees a black person, immediately asks him where’s his baby momma
I wish they hadn't censored the language, I'd like to hear him tell that sack of shit off.
F. B. Huh…Both police officers. Rude and lude words referring to house holders wife.
i really appreciate the fairness of this channel. its not looking to make all of anyone profession look bad but pointing out how police as well as citizens can do better with interactions with each other.
ATA give these police officer a way too high ratings
ATA gives these officer a way too high rating
We're sleeping with their white wives while they're harassing innocent black people.
This is a reminder to start recording before you open the door.
Not the right address and he continues. Bad cop!
His commanding officer will be all over his ass when this comes out. Too bad it is in several places on YT.
There's zero excuse for an officer to talk like that to the public and residents of the community. Good riddance!
Ooooooooooooooooh baby! A military man! You sucka ass cops messed up!
This escalated very quickly
Now would you please explain what does it means to get a "B"……. ? an F implies "Fired" what does that B is ……
If he served he was a total fkn dirtbag when he was in too. Cause he for sure is now
Wtf is up with Bro’s wife. He told her to shut the blinds and go inside while HE handles the situation BUT she INSISTS on getting involved! ¡Damn bruh!
This is why de escalation method needs to be implemented in all police departments
This soldier is displaying PTSD, and when he is confronted, his PTSD which causes extreme irritation can lead to severe consequences.
Like also, they’re there trying not o make sure everything is okay I’m the long run after the fact, but I would want these cops looking out for my kidsZ
Pork was served at that home.
The thumbnail is a United States Marine, not a U.S. Soldier. Please fix this.
He kind of sounds like Will Smith to me
It seems as if "community caretaking" causes problems and might be in need to be revisited and examined by a legislature or two.
If there is no duty to protect, then how does this square?
Beyond that, just wow. I mean WOW! From the interpersonal and professional communications standpoint, that is what you call total and unmitigated disaster. It goes to illustrate that "you only get one chance to make a first impression." Notice how it didn't matter what the male officer said after he insulted, presumed and disrespected the sergeant? Communications 101.
Some unprofessional scum pigs will be stupid no matter what and those are the ones that all becomes statistics see you later dumb a**…
An F? He wasn't that bad. You've given better grades to worse officers who caused physical harm and lied about investigations.
"A 3 year old ingested nail polish remover"
That is non toxic says so in the bottle…
Police about to get their ass beat by a trained soldier. They need to learn their place
Army sergeant yet thumbnail shows marine DI. So close.
I do not blame that black dude at all. The first thing he says to the guy was your baby mama. That was ignorant and stupid
"Baby mama"?
7:52 – Everyone's a tough guy until the knife hand comes out
Officer Marler did a good job getting fired
This guy is a giant baby-daddy who needs a diaper change. Oh now he's got his phone out… anything to distract from the reason the police came to his door in the first place, like petty childish shit. Grow up homie. Serving in the military doesn't give you the right to be a dickhead.
How did they both have the same badge number?
I think the racist ones are that have to include “their black” like you’re the same as anyone else, this is why you’ll never have equal rights because you demote yourself right away

keep the racialness to yourself
We arnt violating any rights, “ight I’ll be inside call me if you need me”
i like this sergeant dam
Nazism has infiltrated USA I blame biden its went from the top to cops control must be obeyed next they'll do away with cash
Oh shit its happening