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This is the final resting place of the actor Saginaw Grant. He is a native of the Sac and Fox nation which is located in Oklahoma.

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Rhetty for History

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46 thoughts on “Actor Saginaw Grant’s Final Resting Place

  1. I wanted to clear something up for us all and more so for Mr. Grant. I am seeing several people thinking that he was the man seen crying in a commercial in that aired in 1971. That was an Italian actor and he wasn't even Native. Mr. Grant did not get started in the business until 1988. He was a true Native and proud of that as he should be. I didn't want there to be any confusion on Mr. Grant.

  2. The is cemetery on SW 59th & Counsel Road called Pleasant Valley, it is west of Will Rogers Airport, it was established in late 1890’s but it still active cemetery.

    My boyfriend brother is buried there that cemetery and his name Raymond N Acosta, died in 2013. He is Mescalero Apache Indian.

  3. Saginaw is a personal friend. He would refer to himself as a human being. Then describe his descendants and where he comes from. As traditionally that is how indigenous peoples referred to their ancestors and life. Saginaw had no plans of preference that I know of about a headstone or not. After his passing family member got Covid and made their journey to the ancestors. It could be that’s why no headstone. I’m wondering myself now as well. I’m going to inquire about it and see what I can find out, if I can.

  4. I wondered why I didnt see him at Powwow last weekend, the last one being 2019 and all. Just found out tonight. Dont know what to say. He was a staple in our Gord Society and Native Culture as a whole in CA. But I know his blessing was there seeing how many more youth were in attendance, and that was one of his greatest joys. Thank you for this.

  5. I stumbled across this video trying to see the memorial they did for him on the Oscars. This brings me much happiness to see people honor him just as much as his own people and family would. I'm his biological granddaughter, me and my sister Cassandra loved him a lot, though we rarely saw him cause' he was always having dinners and doing events with other celebrities. Originally, his 'publicist' wanted to bury him out here in Cali in an actor cemetery (or something like that) but his daughter, Lisa Grant, wanted him back home. I'm glad he's back out there though, before he passed, he always talked about 'going back home'. Thank you for this video, unfortunately I can't see the rest of it because we can't look at photos of the deceased for a year up until the death anniversary date, we want to keep their spirit free instead of tying them back to us with grief. I will watch this once that date comes. Thank you again, I'll share this video. <3

  6. One of the main things I have found with most Native nations is that to be buried in a tribal burial ground the individual must be in whole. So if they have had any amputations done then the amputated part must be preserved so that it may be buried with the body. That's just what many other Native Americans have told me, as I am Native and had to have an amputation.

  7. What a great and very respectful walk. Mr Grant was a true gentleman. I always enjoy seeing the fallen soldiers, to be able to honor them. Thank you Rhetty.

  8. Going from memory, the Sauk and Fox were originally from Iowa, and were displaced to Oklahoma. Some tribal members bought their land back in Iowa and returned. They are located on the Meskwaki lands near Tama, IA.

  9. Semper Fi Mr. Gant. From a Marine from down the road in Mcloud. I grew up hunting the Kishketon swamp. It was awesome to see an old familiar name. Brings back so many good memories.

    Beautiful job Rhett, really top notch.

  10. He sure was a neat man and a highly underrated actor. Just about every movie he played in was of the highest quality and/or award quality. By the by, that sound in the back ground is a device used to scare varmint away from crops

  11. Welll I see you found the Cemetery of my Ancestors. One of the Great Cheifs is Cheif Keokuk who is buried benith his Stature in the Lock an Dam Park in Keokuk, Iowa. While most People never heard of him as I called him my Great Great Uncle. The Sac n Fox was a peaceful tribe.

  12. I really don't care if anybody tramples over my grave. As long as they come to see me, it's a good thing. I think I was the only one to go to my mom's grave for years. If anyone wants to trample over mine, it's OK 👌

  13. Beautiful tribute to Mr. Grant and much respect shown for the Sac and Fox Nation.the land looks so Oklahoma in winter, dry, brown, rolling hills…. I need to go visit my own people in the cemetery, as the brown and dryness makes it a good time to visit. Thanks for posting this video!

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