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1st clip – 2009 V6 kia carnival. Just over 238,000kms/147000 miles.
This is the 2nd carnival in a row we have bought that has been like this. The last one ended up with a bottom-end knock 😖
2nd clip – There’s a TSB (technical service bulletin for this issue). It’s an issue with the valve body in the automatic transmission that causes this shudder.
3rd clip – Customer does all of his own work and just wanted an alignment.

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Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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37 thoughts on “When Was The Last Oil Change For This KIA?

  1. That black SUV is NOT a 2009 KIA carnival!!!
    It’s a Buick Rendezvous that has the violent engine shake.
    If you want people to respect your work then give us truthful videos or prepared to get SLAMMED!!!

  2. I guess the seller wasn’t lying when he put online- “Like New, never touched.”
    That Kia was definitely left like when it was new, same oil when it was new, and no one ever bothered to touch anything under the hood

  3. what I can't figure out is why do they start that engine at all? if it looks like that you know it's going to run rough and get damaged by the vibrations

  4. People who buy Kias are people who know literally nothing about cars beyond how to make them go forward. They dont get oil changes. They dont rotate their wheels. They dont clean ANYTHING. It’s really sad.

  5. People who buy cheap cars almost never take care of them. Poor people who buy expensive cars can’t afford the maintenance. Never buy any car without the service records. Or do so at your peril

  6. Having been a mechanic since 1992 this is the worst customer car I’ve ever seen. Damn unsafe. A buddy of mine that works at a place that does inspections sent me a picture of a Pontiac that was in the same league as this Kia. He failed it because it was unsafe and needed a lot of suspension work. He said that the guy was pissed and he found a place that passed it. Well they lost their inspection license because of that. There was no way he could have gotten it fixed in the same day let alone in 15 minutes.

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