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Jeff Turner is a counterfeiter who was just released from federal prison. Throughout his criminal career, Jeff has printed over $1 million in fake US $100 bills.

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33 thoughts on “The ‘Picasso’ of Counterfeiting: How to Print Fake Money | Jeff Turner

  1. “Who does it hurt? Everyone can benefit.” Lmao did he at all think about the people that have to work harder for less because he took more?

  2. Listening to his story. Im shocked he got only 10 months. he has theft, laundering, counterfeiting, drugs, various scams😅.. the fact they didnt charge him for stimulating the funds for so many drug deals? Idk what that would be called. Aiding abetting… but his money would have helped track an entire drug infrastructure. But he had a good excuse. That he sold the bills. 😂

  3. The problem with these guys is they keep doing it. They dont get what they need and switch to real money. Thats why they get caught. All he had to do was start investing all that real money and move on with his life. Smart enough to be stupid.

  4. The government prints trillions of dollars every year and when you think about it the American dollar 💵 ain’t worth $hit any so what’s the difference. Get in where you fit in. 👊🏾

  5. I think because this host is such a square he has such weak criminal guest. A million dollars in counterfeit bills is not not that much money. dude sucks at interviews, skips around, not clear and ignorant questions. the dude that he is interviewing couldn't source bible paper lol I'm watching this and this and just laughing at how much the interviewer is a square.

  6. Jeff Turner- Goes over how he’d spray a lacquer initially and then a second layer from a distance so that the iodine and starch never react.

    Interviewer- So what does the pen actually do?

    Jeff Turner- Says the exact same thing he said 2 minutes ago.

  7. Most money (worldwide) has the eurion constellation which tells the printer to not print. But if you break the constellation by printing fragments then theoretically you should have no problem.

    Also the series 1996 $100 doesn’t have this feature. The new blue ones DO as well as the $5-$50 early 2000s series.

    But all you have to do is be aware how they implement the constellation and break the print into multiple prints while having good aligning skills.

  8. As a kid my dad had a friend that was an engraver and he always said that printing plates for any currency would be very easy to make but the problem was always the paper.

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    On how to get and use these tools SEE CHANNEL DESCRIPTION ON HOW TO CHAT FURTHER.

  10. You no what i would do is drive to another city and go to rummage sales you would be less likely to have cameras and all the people going in and out

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