Smell proof, crush proof and a lifetime warranty….count me in!!!
(Intended for the 18 & over)
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When I saw the Vault I was slightly skeptical….1 stash box doing alll of these bullet points ? I had to put it to the test…so thats exactly what I did.
For these tests I wanted to go outside and really see if this worked…so we went to the extreme ahahah. I won’t say all tests we did and ruin it…but Ill say this, it was FUN as hell!!
Thank you for watching The Best Stash Box Ever? : The Vault
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why'd you gotta call out kyle, fr im the one getting my shit smoked up by my bum ass friends
Throw back to CDs

When you opened it after the water test, the paper was the other way round
Thank you for doing this, I've been watching vids but they always seem fake or just saying everything is good, thank you for this vid
"You put your weed in it." – Rob Schneider
8:25 Bro That Shit was Tooooo Fucking Funny
If I get caught on the plane do I get a full refund?
Can a dog smell through it???
I brought it and it’s actually Good and has Good Weight to it. And it has 5bags and a Lock
Love the office space montage
Dope as yola dude love the fit
I think u should fill it with fresh weed no jars n see
Wifey got the fatty ngl
I think this is a great video but the only true way to do a proper smell test would be by a police dog just saying
Seems like a cool product, but it’s kinda gimmicky…I don’t see the point of the combo lock..if someone wants to steal your stash, they’re gonna cut right through that shit…that’s not stopping any real crook, certainly not the ones I know…I get the smell proof side of it tho..that’s handy, but a smellproof bag with your stash accompanied by a small gun would be a far better security stay..the locked zippers seem like they’d only be useful if you had roommates that you had to worry about going into your stash…
Let's vote to have Dope as Yola look into Ask them for a sample to review , please…!
ayo bro no offense im proud of u if thats ur girl man congrats cough cough look down
Now as a man that likes a lot of marijuana the first logical question I'm going to ask is how much marijuana can I fit inside of it now you being a man that has the facilities to easily test that for me I feel like you would have and I feel like you should be able to tell me a number but you didn't other than that great review
Where can I cop the XL verisimilitude of this box?? I can’t find it online. What’s the link?
Not a Yola ViD without a Dope ass Montage
Bro when you said the old CD thing in the visor, some of yall won't know about that. It hit me. Kids won't know about that. Or the tape plastic box thing ya put cassettes in.
I think we can compete! What do you think?
Yola goes full blown Rambo on the case and it hold up.
you know that you can open any zipper with a pen? I love your videos man
If you touch the outside of the bag with residue on your hands a dog will still alert on it. JS
If you like the stash box set, I can send you a free set. There are 5 spots left in the US
8:24 POV: your getting curb stombed by yola
shitty link to a website where it doesn't even show where to get the product.
So basically with a pair of titanium coated scissors or jus normal ones that bih is opening up lol
I’d put some ammo, batteries, food, fire starters, that water straw thing, pancho, dried food, and of course as much weed and wax and accessories I can put in
Awesome office space reference lol
Bruh just get a jar if u really care about smell. Nothing better than that, well, maybe a mason jar in a vault lmao
after watching I’d fasho get a vault for my mason jar if I was clumsy or ever broke one before
I wish I lived in LA so I could do the stash and dash stuff man and do all this stuff

Awesome video
I wanted to know if the smell proof test would work with a dog.
Wait till that box decides to fight back
I just watched 15 minutes of a guy beating up a box.
And i enjoyed it.
Only Fucking Dope As Yola can make that fucking entertaining.
Good job my guy !
I love Every video you post
my boi be tappin that shi u alr know
Take this to school
Yo can make a video of smoking cookies weed
I used to use an iPhone box, kept my pipe, grinder, downstem, weed, boqlpeice and still had space for more shit
Can you get it past a police dog? otherwise I’ll stick to carts when I travel
The zipper is the point of weakness on this the lock is more of a gimmick in a natural feature could easily cut through the zipper
Yooooooo GOAT…. lol I have the same bag
Jesus Christ loves you all. repent for your sins and accept Jesus in your heart . i pray many blessings come your way . God bless .