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Stone Cold Steve Austin is an absolute icon in professional wrestling.
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34 thoughts on “Steve Austin – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #43

  1. Wonder which sold more. The Austin 3:16 shirt or nWo shirt. Back in the day everyone had those shirts. It was wild. Best part about school was talking about wrestling from the night before

  2. Oh man. The losing hair convo was so on point. I started going bald at 23yo. I did the same thing as stone cold, went to hair club and got an assessment. I decided f that and shaved my head. I was born by c section. So my head is perfectly round. Once I shaved it. Girls literally stopped disliking my noggin. I won my first state championship in MMA. And went from being the “bald guy” to being in a position to pick and choose from all kinds of women to date. Then. My buddy Travis who’s was balding, felt inspired and shaved his head. He had this weird indentation in his skull from being born naturally he looked like an alien. And boy is he jealous now! Lol. I’ve never heard someone say what Austin did before. So true! Best move of my life as well. Fellas, don’t try to keep your hair if it’s falling out. Grab the bull by the horns and shave your head. The funny thing, I’m no longer called bald, people call me “shaved” 😂. Just shows how superficial humans are.

  3. you know, I've seen Steve Austin a lot for the last 20 years of my life. and tbh I don't think I'd recognize him in public lol. maybe if I heard his voice, but if I just saw him. I'd just assume he was any other average buff bald guy with a goatee lol

  4. And 1 year after this interview Steve Austin stepped back into the ring and had his last match at WrestleMania at AT&T Stadium in front of 83,000 people. It was nostalgic af. Felt like a teenager again watching this absolute legend stepping through those ropes again and hearing the bell ring.

  5. Steve-O…you rock dude. Keep up the good attitude, good conversation and good humor. Good to see you stickin' to your guns in sobriety and the like. Keep it rollin' brother and keep keepin' it real all the more. In the spirit of Stone Cold meshed with your coin phrase, "hell yeaahh dude."

  6. This podcast is so genuine and the guests are always so damn interesting. Steve made wrestling crazy for a long time and hearing how intelligent and salt-of-the-earth he is… how can anyone not appreciate this guy! Great ep, guys.

  7. Attitude era was the most successful, but I would say the era right after that was the high point of storytelling and in ring performance. The so called ruthless aggression era. That imo was the best 3 years of television WWE ever produced. Raw was story driven and good in ring and smackdown was wrestling driven with good storytelling. The roster was amazing. Austin was still on tv, Hogan was there. Rock was still in a little bit. But then they had Batista, rko, edge, Cena, angle, Eddie, Benoit (who doesn't exist and never did) and all these guys really just starting to establish themselves. If the attitude era ended at 17 then 18- thru 22 was that next era and I think the quality was just unmatched..

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