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The Mercedes 600 was always a special order vehicle for heads of state, oligarchs, warlords, tin pot dictators, arms dealers and the like. It's not a stretched Mercedes sedan by any means.
@5:54 that's pretty weird, as he was saying "charisma", my eyes went straight to the "charism" plate in the background. I didn't even notice it before that. It was probably in my subconscious.
Just another crock from Gloss it Rich.
So detailing an ex Elvis Mercedes is now good enough for a VinWiki video?
Maybe I can come on and talk about the time I detailed Audrey Hepburn's 1978 VW Beetle Cabriolet.
What a bunch of nonesense about elvis. His x wife claimed the man was turned off by women that had given birth. Hence after his wife did as much he was no longer attracted to her. He was whoring around all the time. That guy was no "family man"
Do you believe he's dead? When you die, you sleep until the judgement. When i see or feel a presence, I'm gone, because it's not good.
Sure bud.
Cool story Bruh..
Fun fact, travel less than a mile down Elvis Presley BLVD from Graceland and you can very easily be arranged a face-to-face meeting with Elvis in the afterlife. Them boys are killing anything that looks like they might have a dollar thirty unless that person is white and then they might pay $10 to 25 years to kill you!
You can see this car in the 1973 movie : Elvis on Tour
Haunted? Most of this is literally just Rich gushing about how much he loves Elvis
Elevis never said no to a minor either
The one car that stuck to me about Elvis Stuff being cursed, is the white 1977 Cadillac Funeral Coach that carried him to his resting place. That car caught fire multiple times and was eventually scrapped. Last pic I know of is the shell in the junkyard. I wonder if they actually completely scrapped it.
"Dancing in a way no one had ever seen a human being dance" ummmmm…..
Limousines in US are stretched sedans. This Mercedes 600 was factory built. The most expensive car in the world at the time, and sold to dictators and world leaders all over the world. It wasn't made specifically for Elvis. Get your facts straight…
Elvis was not circumcised. Too bad this guy never saw it cuz it would make for a great vinwiki story AM I RIGHT?
I'm shocked he didn't mention Wayne Newton's horse's
in this after seeing that other video. He mentioned it like 50 times and acted like a 12 year old.
Check the lemon squad reviews
2:41 Lower Left corner had ME BUGGIN !!!! 206 SEATTLE
this guy always gives off creeper vibes. thumbsdown to any content with him. he is way to hungup on name dropping and horse shaft
Check out the movie ELVIS FOUND ALIVE (2012)
Thank you for sharing and thank you for NOT saying he was the king of rock n roll, because it’s Chuck Berry.
I love stories like this and saw this car at his house many moons ago.