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After a hard time living with her extended family in the hopes to save money, a caller reevaluates her options to move away after her uncle tells her she’s a disappointment. We also learn a lot about working at Target. It was a good call.

Then after verifying that I am not a cop, a mother and son tell me about their recent family bonding experience at a strip club, and a final caller reflects on this episode’s calls while saying a bunch of stuff about capitalism.

Happy Hanukkah. I am a gecko.

0:00 – Into
0:15 – Reconsidering living with extended family & working at Target.
22:36- Wrong caller! We’ll call you back Jim!
23:39 – A mother and son bond at a strip club
41:54 – Reflecting on this episode and capitalism.
01:00:56 – How to call the gecko!

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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30 thoughts on ““I WENT TO THE STRIP CLUB WITH MY MOM” – Therapy Gecko

  1. You’re a big animal person…but you try to avoid gone with your pets at all costs because of your prick uncle? I’m sure her getting land from them and living in the house plays a role in her and uncles relationship.

  2. Marra's choices are so disappointing, she has three pets but can barely support herself, has a college diploma but decided to apply at Target instead of one of the many jobs that would have taken that college diploma into consideration regardless of what it's in and paid her better.

  3. 2 people working 40hrs at 15hr is totally livable at just about anywhere other than NY or Cali. They must have zero money management skills. Especially since they're just bumming it at their grandparents lol power to ya

  4. It's not even the uncle's house and he's acting like that ? Where does he get off thinking he has any authority, he is also a guest in the grandparents' house

  5. I can sympathize with Jim's outrage at the system. However, it sounds like his own outrage is keeping him stuck. Therapy Gecko, I think your advice was spot on. I was a college dropout, worked in retail for 15 years and let my rage at how things are dictate my life. The most important thing I was missing and what Jim is blind to is, personal responsibility, self reliance, and his own ability to dictate change in his life. Objectively we as suffering and disadvantaged individuals are not responsible for the system. We are responsible for the choices we make under that system and in turn that is how we can affect change if that is our desire. Jim is keeping himself stuck and unwilling to hear potential alternatives to navigating the system and living a life of personal purpose. I consider myself anti-capitalist, I have finally returned to college and work a job getting paid to do stuff you wouldn't believe (academia). I'm more poor than ever and happier than ever. Jim could do with some introspection, a deep dive because the nice flowery things he desires are only achieved through tough decision making, self awareness and sacrifice. I wish this were a world where we were paid just to exist, had all our needs met and lived lives of leisure. We don't, so we're limited by systemic constraints which will only change through effort not outrage and day dreaming about how helpful kids are (Im with Gecko, kids are assholes).

  6. This is America, gecko. Capitalism has completely destroyed our abilities to survive. And people wonder why our newer generations don't give a fuck. Capitalism is dead, this shit doesn't work and only lines the pockets of few.

  7. This first girl is just bad at managing finances honestly. I would hate to have somebody around who spends all their money on a car payment and pets instead of helping out with rent

  8. Now days it hard to live in life. Work come home hardly get to see my husband and son. Not getting government help and we both work. But we are getting by just keep on telling myself to live through it. Hopefully, life gets better and get advice with #Lyleforever

  9. That uncle sounds miserable. Personally don't think it's worth talking to him and would block him on my phone. Since she lives with grandparents he has nothing to do with her living there. Sounds like he does nothing for her but complain and be negative. Take him out of your life and keep living your own life. Keep up with house stuff and pets and eventually move out

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